Zašto se nismo sastali: Korumpirani Putevi RS nisu kredibilan partner
Ovih dana smo dobili poziv Svjetske banke (World Bank) da njihovi predstavnici razgovaraju i sa nama o mogućnosti dodjele kredita javnom preduzeću “Putevi RS”. Pozvani smo kao organizacija koja se bori protiv korupcije, a predstavnike WB-a interesuje aspekt javnih nabavki u oblasti kojom se bave “Putevi RS”. Odbili smo poziv da razgovaramo na tu temu. O razlozima smo pismom obavijestili predstavnike Svjetske banke, čiji sadžaj objavljujemo i na engleskom jeziku

Obavještavamo Vas da se nećemo odazvati pozivu na sastanak sa predstavnicima Svjetske banke.
Prvi razlog je taj što je tema mogućnost kreditiranja javnog preduzeća "Putevi RS" sa 100 miliona eura, iako su uvedene akcize sa namjenom za izgradnju i obnovu puteva. Dakle, smatramo da je krajnje neodgovorno zaduživati građane ove zemlje u situaciji kada je prikupljeno dovoljno sredstava od akciza za izgradnju i obnovu cesta.
Drugo, već duže vrijeme bavimo se istraživanjima o korupciji i kriminalu u javnim nabavkama u "Putevima RS", sa direktorom Nenadom Nešićem na čelu. Javnosti smo prezentirali niz slučajeva u kojima smo dokumentirali namještanja poslova i kriminal na tenderima u ovom preduzeću. Nažalost, pravosudne institucije, za koje smo također dostavili dokaze da su i oni korumpirani, nisu poduzeli ništa, iako smo prezentirali brojne dokaze. Shodno tome, smatramo kako ovo javno preduzeće nema kredibilitet da upravlja tim sredstvima koje će vraćati građani ove zemlje, a novac će završiti u džepovima političara i vlasnika putarskih firmi koje su uvezane s njima.
Treće, na sastanak sa predstavnicima Svjetske banke pozvan je i predstavnik Ureda za žalbe BiH i oni su delegirali Dragana Vukajlovića, čovjeka koji je uhapšen zbog korupcije u poslovima sa "Putevima RS" i koji je priznao da je uzeo mito za posao sa ovim preduzećem. Smatramo kako je krajnje drsko i neprimjereno da nas svrstavate u istu ravan sa kriminalcima o čijim korupcijskim aferama mi svakodnevno izvještavamo javnost. Vukajlović možda jeste kompetentan da govori o korupciji u javnim nabavkama, ali mi smo na suprotnoj, strani pravde.
Četvrto, možda u Svjetskoj banci nisu svjesni, ali mi vrlo dobro znamo da će ova sredstva biti zloupotrijebljena u predizborne svrhe u idućoj godini. Ono što pojedinci iz vlasti u RS ne uspiju da ukradu kroz javne nabavke u "Putevima RS", biće iskorišteno u predizborne svrhe. Na taj način se direktno pomaže vladajućim političkim strankama u RS da pobijede na izborima iduće godine, iako se aktualna vlast dokazala kao korumpirana, bez ikakvog osjećaja za stvarne potrebe građana. Takva je definisana i od međunarodne zajednice, a neki od vodećih političara iz RS nalaze se pod sankcijama zbog korupcije.
Zbog svega ovoga, obavještavamo vas da nećemo prisustvovati sastanku sa predstavnicima Svjetske banke na ovu temu. Ne želimo biti saučesnici u još jednoj pljački građana u ovoj zemlji i ponovo vas upozoravamo da trenutne strukture u javnom preduzeću "Putevi RS" koje imaju punu podršku vlasti u RS, nemaju kredibilitet da provedu ovaj projekat od 100 miliona eura.
U prilog ovom pismu dostavljamo vam sve sadržaje koje je naš istraživački online medij Žurnal objavio u vezi sa korupcijom i kriminalom "Puteva RS".
Stojimo na raspolaganju za buduću saradnju koja je u skladu sa našim antikorupcijskim aktivnostima.
Lijep pozdrav,Eldin Karić,
izvršni direktor
Centar za razvoj medija i analize
Why We did not meet: Corrupt "Roads of RS" Are Not a Credible Partner
In recent days, we have received an invitation from the World Bank for their representatives to discuss with us to the possibility of granting a loan to the Public company “Putevi RS”. We were invited as an organization that fights against corruption and the representatives of the World Bank are interested in the aspect of public procurements in the field that “Roads of RS” are involved in. We declined the invitation to talk on this topic
Dear Sir,
Hereby we would like to inform you that we will not accept the invitation to a meeting with the World Bank representatives.
The first reason for such a decision is the fact that the prospect of granting 100 million Euro credit to the public company “Putevi RS” is the topic of the meeting, although the excises were already introduced for the purpose of road construction and reconstruction. Therefore, we deem that it is utterly irresponsible to indebt the citizens of this country when sufficient funds from the excises were collected for road construction and reconstruction.
Secondly, we have been researching corruption and criminal activities in the public procurements of the “Putevi RS”, headed by the director Nenad Nešić for a very long time. We have presented to the public many cases where we documented job fixing and criminal activities in tenders of this company. Unfortunately, judicial institutions for which we also presented evidence of corruption, failed to undertake any action although we presented numerous evidence. Therefore, we believe that this public company has no credibility to manage the funds that the citizens of this country will repay, and the money will end up in the pockets of the politicians and owners of road construction companies that have connections to them.
Thirdly, a representative of the Procurement Review Body of BiH is invited to the meeting and they have nominated Dragan Vukajlović, a man who was arrested on counts of the corruption in the activities with “Putevi RS” and who confessed to taking bribes for a deal with this company. We find it to be extremely presumptuous and inappropriate to put us at the same level with criminals of whose corruption affairs we are daily informing the public. Vukajlović is maybe competent to talk about corruption in the public procurement, but we are on the opposite sides of the justice.
Fourthly, the World Bank is perhaps not aware, but we know very well that these funds will be abused for pre-election purposes next year. The funds that the individuals from the government in RS do not manage to steal through the public procurements in “Putevi RS” will be used in pre-electoral purposes. In that way the ruling political parties in RS are directly assisted to win the elections next year, although the current authorities have proven to be corrupt, void of any feelings for the true citizens’ needs. They were defined as such by the international community, and some of the leading politicians from the RS are under sanctions for corruption.
Under these circumstances we inform you that we will not attend the meeting with the World Bank representatives. We do not want to be accomplices in yet another theft of the citizens in this country and we warn you again that the current structures at the “Putevi RS” that have full support of the RS authorities do not have credibility to implement this 100 million Euro worth project.
Attached to this letter find the materials that are investigative online media Žurnal published on corruption and crime of “Putevi RS”.
We are at your disposal for any future cooperation which is in line with our anti-corruption activities.
Eldin Karic,
Executive Director