Neil Young: Novi spot posvećen borbi protiv pandemije
Zajedno sa suprugom, glumicom Daryl Hannah, Neil Young je napravio novi video koji je opisao kao “dokument reakcije planete na pandemiju” i pjesmu nazvao “Shut It Down 2020.”

Pjesmu “Shut It Down” Neil Young je prošle godine, zajedno sa svojim bendom Crazy Horse, snimio na albumu “Colorado”. Nakon proglašenja pandemije, dobio je veliki broj pisama od fanova koji su uočili da ta pjesma sada ima drugo značenje.
Zajedno sa suprugom, glumicom Daryl Hannah, napravio je novi video koji je opisao kao “dokument reakcije planete na pandemiju” i pjesmu nazvao “Shut It Down 2020.”.
Nakon objavljivanja spota Young je izjavio:
“Radimo svi zajedno i budimo uvjereni da ćemo pronaći pravi put”.
Have to shut the whole system down
Have to shut the whole system down
People tryin' to save this earth
From an ugly death
Have to shut the whole system down
People tryin' to live, working
In a world of meat factories
Have to shut the whole system down
All around the planet
There's a blindness that just can't see
Have to shut the whole system down
They're all wearing climate change
As cool as they can be
Have to shut the whole system down
Shut it down, shut it down
Shut it down, shut it down
Have to shut the whole system down
That's the only way we can all be free
Have to shut the whole system down
Start again and build it for eternity
Have to shut the whole system down
What about the animals?
What about the birds and bees?
Have to shut the whole system down
What about the bookshelves?
What about the history?
Have to shut the whole system down
Shut it down, shut it down
Shut it down, shut it down
Shut it down, shut it down
Shut it down, shut it down
Have to shut the whole system down
When I look at the future
I see hope for you and me
Have to shut the whole system down
Working, working for eternity
Work it now
Have to shut the whole system down
When I look at the future
I see hope for you and me
Have to shut the whole system down
Working for eternity
Gonna shut the whole system down
Got to shut the whole system down
Got to shut the whole system down