Watch the first part of the video series The Chinese Way - Belt Around Bosnia and Herzegovina
Žurnal in English
WHO FAVORS CHINESE COMPANIES (VIDEO):: Watch the first part of the video series The Chinese Way - Belt Around Bosnia and Herzegovina
Six Bosnian and Herzegovinian portals: Capital, Fokus, Tač, info-radar, Hercegovina-info, and Žurnal have prepared four films about the development of Chinese influence in this region. Watch the first part of the series "The Chinese Way - Belt Around Bosnia and Herzegovina."
The Chinese have become the favorite partners of the authorities in the RS
Žurnal in English
WHILE ACTIVITIES OF CHINA WORRY THE WESTERN COUNTRIES: The Chinese have become the favorite partners of the authorities in the RS
Representatives of the G7 member countries expressed concern about the economic activities of Chinese companies, and the French minister of finance stated that the entire world economy is in danger of being oversaturated with cheap Chinese exports. On the other hand, various goods worth BAM 1.033.207 entered BiH from China last year, but there is no concern. Moreover, the Chinese are becoming the favorite business partners of the authorities in BiH, especially in the Republika Srpska.
Is Serbia renouncing its European future, and how might this affect BiH?
Žurnal in English
THE VISIT OF JINPING AND THE VOTE AGAINST THE RESOLUTION: Is Serbia renouncing its European future, and how might this affect BiH?
While some economic analysts and politicians, led by precise data, warn that Serbia is increasingly moving towards debt entrapment by China, and the entity Republika Srpska obviously wants to follow that path, the authorities seem to be unbothered. Perhaps that is the cost of the increasingly touted “steel friendship” between the Serbian and Chinese people…
Who enabled the Chinese to take over natural resources in Herzegovina?
Žurnal in English
"INVESTORS": Who enabled the Chinese to take over natural resources in Herzegovina?
Having in mind China's reputation for corrosive capital, and that their funding sources lack transparency and accountability, which is understandable because all finances come from one authoritarian regime, it is clear that China through its companies in some way buys the favour of some BiH politicians who favour them in mastering natural resources. Tomorrow, it can be used as a means of influencing political decisions in favour of the Chinese and their interests in BiH
Chinese company from the black list won the construction of the tunnel through Trebević
Žurnal in English
WHAT IS HIDDEN BEHIND THE JOB WORHT 200 MILLION: Chinese company from the black list won the construction of the tunnel through Trebević
The day after our attempt to visit the Sinohydro headquarters at 5 Svetozara Markovića Street, we learned that the Chinese company’s headquarters had been registered at a new address. No less and no more – than in the building of the Tax Administration of the RS, on Trg Republike Srpske at number 8 / XII. It is impossible to enter the building without notice, and contact with Sinohydra is impossible via e-mail address or phone
Thousands of cubic meters of logs are being bought en masse
Žurnal in English
CHINESE EXTRACT RAW MATERIALS FROM BIH: Thousands of cubic meters of logs are being bought en masse
While the BiH authorities have voted against banning the export of logs several times, China is giving huge incentives to its citizens to import wood assortments, which the Chinese have used and come to BiH with bags full of cash, buy logs at much higher prices than in “Šume Srpske” and export them to their country in containers, reveals the CAPITAL portal.
Šta je obilježilo Stanivukovićev mandat
Nacionalna čitanka za predvojničku obuku
ETNIČKI IDENTITET I TRADICIJE (audio): Nacionalna čitanka za predvojničku obuku
The Chinese Path – Belt Around Bosnia and Herzegovina (Part Three)
Who Favors Chinese Companies (Video Series): The Chinese Path – Belt Around Bosnia and Herzegovina (Part Three)
Milorad Dodik opet vrijeđao sudije i tužioce
SUĐENJE PREDSJEDNIKU REPUBLIKE SRPSKE: Milorad Dodik opet vrijeđao sudije i tužioce
Vodovodna mreža i autobusni kolodvor na čekanju, novac se slijeva u HŠK Posušje
OBEĆANO I ISPUNJENO U POSUŠJU: Vodovodna mreža i autobusni kolodvor na čekanju, novac se slijeva u HŠK Posušje
Tenderi za stranačke donatore i kupovina mandata, migrantska kriza, nezaposlenost…
Bihać: Tenderi za stranačke donatore i kupovina mandata, migrantska kriza, nezaposlenost…
Od izgradnje zgrada u Istočnom Novom Sarajevu korist imaju samo investitori
PRIVREDA UNIŠTENA: Od izgradnje zgrada u Istočnom Novom Sarajevu korist imaju samo investitori
Hapšenje načelnika, korupcija, sumnjivi ugovori…
OPĆINA BANOVIĆI: Hapšenje načelnika, korupcija, sumnjivi ugovori…
Zašto mještani Grginog Polja ne mogu legalizirati svoje domove?
KOJA JE PRAVA CIJENA BESPLATNIH PARCELA: Zašto mještani Grginog Polja ne mogu legalizirati svoje domove?
Zašto je vladavina prava na Ilidži pokleknula pred privatnim interesima?
DVOSTRUKI ARŠINI: Zašto je vladavina prava na Ilidži pokleknula pred privatnim interesima?
Kako je pao Ibro Berilo?
ORILO, GORILO: Kako je pao Ibro Berilo?
Sve Kraljevićeve igre bez sudskog epiloga
VLASENIČKA TUGA PREGOLEMA: Sve Kraljevićeve igre bez sudskog epiloga
Zašto Hamdo Ejubović nasljedniku ostavlja tešku hipoteku u Hadžićima
TUŽILAŠTVO ISTRAŽUJE KORUPCIJU: Zašto Hamdo Ejubović nasljedniku ostavlja tešku hipoteku u Hadžićima
Gradonačelnik svečano otvara dvoranu izgrađenu na državnom poljoprivrednom zemljištu!
Bosanska Krupa: Gradonačelnik svečano otvara dvoranu izgrađenu na državnom poljoprivrednom zemljištu!
Pogledajte treći dio serijala Kineski put - Pojas oko Bosne i Hercegovine
Energija po kineskom receptu (video): Pogledajte treći dio serijala Kineski put - Pojas oko Bosne i Hercegovine
A sve je počelo kupovinom jednog električnog automobila
OPĆINA NOVO SARAJEVO: A sve je počelo kupovinom jednog električnog automobila
Lokalni moćnici zarađuju nauštrb devastacije grada, a građani se mrznu
ZENICA: Lokalni moćnici zarađuju nauštrb devastacije grada, a građani se mrznu
Semir Efendić i gradnja u Novom Gradu – druga strana medalje
PROPISI I ZAKONI: Semir Efendić i gradnja u Novom Gradu – druga strana medalje
Blago podizanje životnog standarda naplaćeno pogodovanjem stranačkim tajkunima
MOSTAR NAKON IZBORNOG VAKUUMA: Blago podizanje životnog standarda naplaćeno pogodovanjem stranačkim tajkunima
Pregled sedmice od 9. do 15. septembra 2024.
audio zurnal: Pregled sedmice od 9. do 15. septembra 2024.