Žurnal in English
PETITION AGAINST IMPOSING SANCTIONS ON RUSSIA: Intellectuals on the side of murderers
Man is a being who is constantly learning and changing according to the knowledge and logic of experience, but that is obviously not the case for the Serbian intellectual elite who are digging into patriotic breasts. The ideological mind seems to be impenetrable to experience, to events, to the flow of time and knowledge. Whatever happens in the world, that mind remains the same, frozen, petrified, resistant to any change, more stable than stone.

If my linguistic memory does not deceive me, the word "inexorably" has entered the political vocabulary during the reign of the unrepentant noble Vojislav Koštunica. It was used both as an adverb and as an adjective, most often in patriotic tirades in which national tribunes swore to relentlessly defend renegade Kosovo, the territorial integrity of Serbia and 15 per cent of the Serbian soul. What it looked like is best seen in the examples. On Vidovdan in 2006, Koštunica went straight to Kosovo and gave a speech in which he said that "Gračanica today reminds us not only of what we were, but also of what we must be because of what we were and we will be if we are persistent, relentless, reasonable and harmonious”. These words are not in the six-volume "Dictionary of the Serbo-Croatian Language" of Matica Srpska, the closest to it in form and meaning is the adjective "indestructible" and the appropriate adverb, which could mean that Koštunica enriched us not only by maintaining continuity with Milošević's policy, but also a new word.
The incriminated term came to my mind from an unknown direction as soon as I saw that a group of intellectuals, constant defenders of Serbs, launched a petition against the imposition of sanctions on Russia. Among the initiators and signatories of the petition were many famous members of Putin's fan club, the inevitable academics Matija Bećković, Kosta Čavoški, Ljubodrag Dimić and Vasilije Krestić, SOC bishops Irinej Bulović and David Perović, director, builder and feudal lord Emir Kušturica, Dodik's lawyer Milan Tegeltija, former ambassador in Russia Slavenko Terzić, exorcist of the spirit of self-denial Milo Lompar, youth persuader Miloš Ković and many other university professors, clergy, writers, intellectuals, media strikers, intellectuals, doctors of various sciences and experts.
The Dark Forest of the Nationalist Mind
The defenders of the indefensible in the petition start from the dogma that the Serbian people are the biggest victims of the "political West in its attempt to establish global hegemony", where they used all means, including "media manipulation". For those unfamiliar with the dark forest of the nationalist mind, in the twisted language of Greater Serbia ideology, media manipulation means that the evil Western media convinced humanity that Serbian forces besieged Sarajevo, massacred Markale, destroyed Vukovar, committed genocide in Srebrenica, blew up hundreds of mosques, held concentration camps, while in the reality inhabited by nationalists and Kremlin propagandists - none of the above happened.
The petitioners called on "Aleksandar Vučić to reject Western pressure and blackmail", not to impose sanctions on Russia, because "the permanent alliance of the Republic of Serbia with the Russian Federation is the only guarantor of preserving Kosovo and Metohija within Serbia, as well as the Dayton constitutional position of Republika Srpska." The Intellectual Neuro-Cream of Serbia also explained its position regarding the criminal aggression against Ukraine: "We express full solidarity with the Russian people and support them in the determined fight for the right to life, freedom, political, economic and civilizational independence and national unity."
Petrified ideological consciousness
What an unstoppable team! Kosovo has been an independent state for years, which is a direct product of their ideology and repressive policy, but our intellectual elite does not mind continuing to defend Kosovo and wish the return of the cradle of Serbia to the motherland of Serbia (of course, without the Albanians for whom cold storages, mass graves and even more mass expulsions are reserved), all with the help of Mother Russia. Milošević lost four wars in one decade, which is a world record worthy of a Guinness award, but ideologues are not giving up on the rematch and the second half, hoping that all "Serbian countries" will still be united.
Russia is under severe economic sanctions, it is written in black, it is becoming a pariah of the world, it has definitely become clear that Putin's regime is criminal and hostile to the whole free world, nothing good will happen to that unfortunate country, and Serbian intellectuals still have all their hopes on the Russian bear. The ideology of death they serve has killed tens of thousands of people, destroyed one beautiful common country, crippled countless people and lives, destroyed everything it touched, bringing doom to its own people, but the wise still stick to the motto - no retreat, no surrender.
Man is a being who is constantly learning and changing according to the knowledge and logic of experience, but that is obviously not the case for the Serbian intellectual elite who are digging into patriotic breasts. The ideological mind seems to be impenetrable to experience, to events, to the flow of time and knowledge. Whatever happens in the world, that mind remains the same, frozen, petrified, resistant to any change, more stable than stone.
Guides to the nearest abyss
Historian Miloš Ković gave a classic example of that inhuman perseverance at a press conference organized by the initiators of the petition: "Issues of survival of our fellow citizens in Kosovo and Metohija, our compatriots in RS are issues that depend on Russia. We need to be sober and be able to wait, because time works for us. With all the critical moments we are witnessing now, the multipolar world has already been established," Ković said and remained alive. Nothing can shake Putin's faith in Russia's triumph, especially not the elementary facts with which the local nationalist ideologues are in constant conflict, on blood and knife. If the Iron Curtain is already falling, our virtuous intellectuals would like to put their country and their beloved people on the wrong side, they have longed for the isolation and closedness that nationalist ideology has always strived for.
They have been waiting for decades for a change in international political circumstances in order to continue where they left off in the 1990s, they hoped that Russia would embark on a decisive showdown with the Western world and the international order, and believed that the Russian army was an invincible force. When the three-day operation of occupying Ukraine turned into a war of uncertain duration, when it turned out that the Ukrainian desire for freedom was stronger than many thought, it did not shake the local fans of the Kremlin landlord. They continue to believe that time is on their side, despite the real development of events and the fact that time cannot be on the side of retrograde ideologies that leave behind only burns, corpses, despair and misfortune.
It is devastating for decades to see adults, educated people who are not able to feel a grain of empathy towards innocent victims, towards immeasurable human suffering, but voluntarily take the side of bullies and murderers, covering criminal campaigns with crazy excuses. The elite whose highest intellectual reach is lackeying marauders, Serbian or Russian, it doesn't matter - the people whose avant-garde they betray can only lead to the nearest abyss. This is not their first time, directing the nation in the direction of collapse and ruin is their permanent life mission, the only meaning of existence that they managed to find in this world.
Trust in a more powerful band of robbers
As the local band of thugs embodied in the Milošević regime failed to conquer all surrounding nations in their evil intent, death ideologues began to rely on a larger and more powerful band of robbers led by the supreme criminal Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The reorganization of the world order that Sergei Lavrov and similar Kremlin villains are openly calling for should, in fact, be a system in which only the law of the stronger rules. The law of the jungle and the motto "The power of God does not pray" - this is the only ideological, political, and even philosophical program of virtuous petitioners. That program could be briefly reduced to three words: lawlessness, robbery, beast - to use the titles of the books of one of their ideological colleagues, Rajko Petrova Noga.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the signatories of the petition largely coincide with the membership of the Movement for the Defense of Kosovo and Metohija, and partly with the signatories of another, somewhat forgotten petition from 2011 for the defence of Vojislav Koštunica. They then defended Koštunica from the so-called prosecution, the point was that the person in question should never be questioned about the assassination of Zoran Đinđić, although the authorities did not summon him as an accused, but as a citizen who could have some knowledge of the crime. In essence, it was a matter of preventing the political background of Đinđić's assassination from being revealed or shed at least a little light, with incidental mockery of the law, justice and the judicial system, which they completely succeeded in doing.
Today's lovers of lawlessness and destruction defend aggressors and criminals, remaining consistent with their worldview. Seeing Russia's bestial aggression against Ukraine as a struggle of the Russian people "for the right to life, freedom, political, economic and civilizational independence and national unity" - requires a surreal amount of imagination and blindness, with a record dose of cynicism and callousness.
For almost two months, the Russian army butchered Ukraine, massacred civilians, raped, burned, destroyed, deported, left corpses by the roadside, put unfortunate people in mass graves, destroyed churches and cultural monuments, maimed and killed children, sowed misery, suffering and death. At the same time, the media loyal to the Kremlin do not hide genocidal intentions toward the Ukrainian people at all, erasing Ukraine from the face of the earth is their openly stated goal. In a situation when it is crystal clear who is the executioner and who is the victim, Serbian patriotic intellectuals are openly on the side of slaughter. At least they are relentless in their support of radical evil. In addition to such an intellectual elite, it is a real miracle that this country still exists.