REAGOVANJE: Oleg Deripaska ne posjeduje niti kontrolira RUSAL
Iz kompanije RUSAL reagovali su na dio iz teksta "KINESKO-RUSKI BAYPASS ZA EVROPSKE SANKCIJE: Aluminij Industries Mostar" prenešenog sa portala tačno.net

Dear editorial team,
This article contains incorrect information damaging the reputation of RUSAL. We kindly ask you to remove or correct the following statements:
1. “…te odličnim poslovnim konekcijama sa sankcionisanim ruskim oligarhom Olegom Deripaskom, vlasnikom RUSAL-a, drugog najvećeg svjetskog proizvođača aluminija.”
“…and excellent business connections with sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, owner of RUSAL, the world's second-largest aluminum producer.”
Please note that Oleg Deripaska does not own or control RUSAL. Pursuant to the 2018 agreement with the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Deripaska surrendered majority ownership and control over RUSAL. He has a small (0.01%) direct stake in RUSAL and a minority indirect stake through EN+. RUSAL certifies to OFAC on a monthly basis that this remains so, and undergoes an annual audit for compliance with the agreement with OFAC. At best, Mr. Deripaska may be referred to as the “founder” or an “indirect minority beneficiary” of RUSAL.
2. “Glencore i RUSAL također su suvlasnici i kompanije EN+ Group jednog od najvećih svjetskih proizvođača „Zelenog aluminija“ proizvedenog iz obnovljivih izvora energije. Identično kao i RUSAL i ova kompanija je sankcionisana od strane Američke vlade.”
“Glencore and RUSAL are also co-owners of EN + Group, one of the world's largest producers of "Green Aluminum" produced from renewable energy sources. Like RUSAL, this company is sanctioned by the US government.”
RUSAL is not the owner of EN+ Group. On the contrary, EN+ is a majority shareholder of RUSAL. The shareholding structures of RUSAL and EN+ are publicly available at:
Further, RUSAL and EN+ are not sanctioned. RUSAL and EN+ were added to the OFAC’s SDN List on 6 April 2018 on the basis that they were owned or controlled by Mr. Deripaska, who was also added to the SDN List that same day. Following engagement with OFAC and significant restructuring and governance changes designed to mitigate Mr. Deripaska’s ownership and preclude his control of RUSAL and EN+, OFAC removed both companies from the SDN List on 27 January 2019. OFAC’s relevant press release is available at https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm592.
We would appreciate if you could promptly correct the above statements in order not to mislead your readers.
Kind regards,
Anna Matsegora
Strategic Communications
International PR