Gas and oil to the Russians, electricity to the Chinese
WHOSE IS THE ENERGY SECTOR IN BIH: Gas and oil to the Russians, electricity to the Chinese
Investments in energy and infrastructure sector are a strategic weapon in the hands of the emerging imperial forces like Russia, China and Turkey. They are used to influence political decision-making process of the countries in transition, and these are all the countries of the Western Balkans, thus also Bosnia and Herzegovina. The strongest influence is exercised in the sectors related to oil and natural gas production, processing and distribution, whilst the electricity, mining and infrastructure sectors do not significantly fall behind. Since the economy of the Western Balkan countries rests on the aforementioned sectors, these investments lead to the phenomenon of so-called “captured country”.
Maštam o svijetu dobrote
Novogodišnja bajka (audio): Maštam o svijetu dobrote
Čekali kraj godine da uhapse Nešića i optuže Mehmedagića
Istrage koje su obilježile 2024: Čekali kraj godine da uhapse Nešića i optuže Mehmedagića
Demontaža oboljelog društva za nova pokolenja
Ćutanje nije lijek: Demontaža oboljelog društva za nova pokolenja
Osman Mehmedagić - Osmica optužen za krivotvorenje diplome
bivši direktor Obavještajno-sigurnosne agencije BiH: Osman Mehmedagić - Osmica optužen za krivotvorenje diplome
Pregled sedmice 21-27 decembar 2024.
AUDIO ŽURNAL: Pregled sedmice 21-27 decembar 2024.
Tri vreće smrti (audio)
DIJALA HASANBEGOVIĆ: Tri vreće smrti (audio)
Generički igrači moraju igrati u generičkom sustavu
KAUČ SELEKTOR: Generički igrači moraju igrati u generičkom sustavu
Long Waiting Lists, Expensive Private Examinations, and the Inability to Reimburse Costs
THE LIFE OF ONCOLOGY PATIENTS IN ZDC: Long Waiting Lists, Expensive Private Examinations, and the Inability to Reimburse Costs
Nesigurna vremena
Asanirana domovina
Iz Crvenog solitera (audio): Asanirana domovina
Kojim dokazima raspolaže tužilaštvo protiv Nešića i družine?
KORIŠTENE POSEBNE ISTRAŽNE RADNJE: Kojim dokazima raspolaže tužilaštvo protiv Nešića i družine?
Koje firme su najviše varale na javnim nabavkama?
na kraju 2024: Koje firme su najviše varale na javnim nabavkama?
Zašto na popisu heroja neće biti ime majora Petrovića, a hoće zločinca Cace?
RAZDVAJANJE MRTVIH PO NACIONALNOSTI: Zašto na popisu heroja neće biti ime majora Petrovića, a hoće zločinca Cace?
Who is Afraid of the Investigation into the Illegal Sale of State Land?
CRIME ON BJELAŠNICA: Who is Afraid of the Investigation into the Illegal Sale of State Land?
Duge liste čekanja, preskupi privatni pregledi i nemogućnost refundacije
ŽIVOT ONKOLOŠKIH PACIJENATA U ZDK: Duge liste čekanja, preskupi privatni pregledi i nemogućnost refundacije
Dodikove jadikovke zbog hapšenja Nenada Nešića
NAKON MEĐUSOBNIH OPTUŽBI ZA KRIMINAL: Dodikove jadikovke zbog hapšenja Nenada Nešića
Zbog čega je uhapšen ministar sigurnosti BiH?
Sve krivične prijave protiv Nenada Nešića: Zbog čega je uhapšen ministar sigurnosti BiH?
How Much Poison Can Residents Endure?
NEW DUMP NEAR LUKAVAC: How Much Poison Can Residents Endure?
Uhapšen ministar sigurnosti Nenad Nešić
Po nalogu Tužilaštva BiH: Uhapšen ministar sigurnosti Nenad Nešić
Criminal Charges Filed Against the Government of Brčko District BiH
AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE IN BANKRUPTCY FOR 21 YEARS: Criminal Charges Filed Against the Government of Brčko District BiH