Basheskia & Edward EQ: Blackbird
Pjesma "Blackbird" napisana je za soundtrack knjige Mehmeda Begića "Pisma iz Paname"

U Klubu Žurnal poslušajte pjesmu “Blackbird”, napisanu za knjigu Mehmeda Begića “Pisma iz Paname” (Vrijeme, Zenica, 2021).
Izuzetno sugestivno otpjevao ju je glumac i reditelj Alban Ukaj, koji je odsvirao i dionice na saksofonu. Gitaru i perkusije svirao je Nedim Zlatar, a tekst je napisao Mehmed Begić.
Pjesma "Blackbird" je nastavak uspješne saradnje između Mehmeda Begića i kolektiva Basheskia & Edward EQ. Zvuči kao psihodelični, pustinjski, tuareški blues, a dok smo je slušali u Klubu Žurnal pominjali smo i Morphine, The Doors i Tony Joe Whitea. Ipak, najviše ima atmosfere tekstova iz knjige "Pisma iz Paname", čiji je i svojevrstan soundtrack.
Izvanredna pjesma za izvrsnu knjigu. Slušajte i čitajte!
Dark bird, black bird, tell me, what are you trying to do
the day is long as night is cold, I’m not in the mood for you
My mind is clear, and heart is cured, body is servant of joy
this longing is pure, the colours obscure, I am nobody’s toy
Black bird, white noise, how can I make it all go away
the day is short as night gets hot, remember me yesterday
White noise, black choice, hear when I’m trying to speak
future unknown, I’m on my own, choices are fake and weak.
Exits closed, bridges destroyed, memories drowning in blur
it’s getting late, it’s getting close, I’m still here waiting for you
Black choice, red voice, whole world is crying in pain
answers hold far away calls, waiting for winning streak
Red voice, black bird, hey what are you trying to say
the day is long as the night is cold, I’m not in the mood to play