Žurnal in English
A NEW YEAR'S FAIRY TALE THAT I DIDN'T WRITE: There is no corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This New Year's fairy tale pleased the entire Bosnian scum. Tycoons, war profiteers, money launderers, blackmailers, dealers, sellers of diplomas and jobs, middlemen on the black market, political and national overnight converts and similar scum are rejoicing because they finally believe that their aunt from America sent them millions.

Before beginning, I must admit - I am not the author of this New Year's fairy tale. Various analysts have been building it for all of us for months, I'll just try to retell it. How does that fairy tale go?
There is no corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Behind the door of each cabinet sit all the experts and honest men. Everything is ideal, soft pink, the judiciary is efficient, healthcare is even more efficient, the education system is phenomenal, experts are employed in public companies, nepotism is an ugly foreign word, bribery is even uglier at home, we are all guaranteed human rights while enjoying the security of social protection. There are no criminal charges, 39 of them, against Dodik, Čović and Izetbegović. Unfortunately, the prosecutors will soon convince us of this. Just as they assured us that David and Dženan were not killed, just as we will soon find out that the best respirators on the market were procured for us at the best possible price. The hundreds of millions that were stolen from public procurement this year are just ordinary colourful papers because, as their favourite singer-songwriter would say, "happiness is not a bag full of money".
Corruption exists only in Belgium, the Netherlands and the USA, but the journalists there do not write about it.
How is that possible? You must be wondering how this is possible, because, after all, you live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and you encounter different nastiness every day. It is possible, say the authors of the fairy tale, because what you see with your own eyes and what you feel on your own skin is a pure illusion, mass hypnosis created by the media.
Which media?
As described by the creators of the fairy tale, they are easy to recognize, they are all non-governmental and live luxuriously, unlike the others who are financed by political parties and their public companies, who are naked poor.
Why do the media do this?
And the fairy tale writers have an answer for that - because they want to divert your attention from the geostrategic plans of the West, the intentions of Aleksandar Vučić and the UZP.
Who pays them for such a thing?
The West, the writers calmly answer.
Why, you have to ask again...
This is not very clear to me either, so you will still have to look for the answer at the nearest fairy tale writer - because the West supports the East, so it is better for us to turn to the East and its allies so that the East would not come here to distance us from the West, which helps those who cooperate with the East... Something like that, I say, is not very clear to me.
What is their goal?
Here, the answers to the creators will vary slightly, ranging from "Palestinization of Bosniaks", through "haters of everything Croatian" to "satanization of Serbs".
How to stop them?
Don't worry, appropriate laws are being prepared, troublemakers are being slandered by suitable media, and court processes are mounted like guns - fairy tale writers comfort the disturbed people.
That's the fairy tale. You can see, it is not very interesting, there is no real plot, no exciting twist, and the point is unclear. One cannot stop at the fact that some villains have portrayed the Land of Dreams as Mordor. There is still a lot of work to be done on the story to make it a true fairy tale. Let's remember – a witch's cauldron was waiting for us behind the tempting cake house, and at the end of the party in the land of toys, all the children turned into donkeys. There must also be some point like "it is not good to be gluttonous" or "a lie turns against its creator". Something like that. There is no point if we conclude ourselves that we are bigger fools than we suspected if we believe in this fairy tale.
But not all are fools. This New Year's fairy tale pleased the entire Bosnian scum. Tycoons, war profiteers, money launderers, blackmailers, dealers, sellers of diplomas and jobs, middlemen on the black market, political and national overnight converts and similar scum are rejoicing because they finally believe that their aunt from America sent them millions.
They were delighted by the same people who have been telling us for years to look at the "bigger picture" and relations in the region and the world. Our little lives, they tell us from up high, are completely unimportant in relation to geostrategic rearrangements. I finally decided not to listen to them. I admit I am no geostrategist, the problems of my homeland are more interesting to me than the problems of the world, the health of those closest to me is more important than the country, the future of children than the flag, and the safety of the family than the nation. I know, I'm not much of a patriot, so I agree that someone else can take my place in the order of decorations.
This fairy tale is insidious. Because of its treachery, a joke comes to mind that I will briefly recount, because you've probably heard it before. So, a suicidal man meets a man in a white dress on a bridge. He introduces himself as an elf and asks the suicidal man why he decided to kill himself. The unfortunate man tells him about the series of hardships he suffers every day. The elf tells him that he can solve them all if he satisfies him orally. And as the poor hopeful man does so, the elf asks him how old he is. Forty, he answered, and the villain asked him: "And you still believe in elves?"
Forgive me for this vulgar point, I hesitated whether to write it. And then I remembered that we are all adults and that this joke cannot shock us, because we already know very well what abominations all people are ready for when it comes to their own pleasure. Apart from that, hardly anything can be more vulgar than this New Year's fairy tale that they have prepared for us. It's easier to believe in elves than in that. Regardless of the fact that elves really don't exist.