Žurnal in English
The story is summarised as much as possible. It involves years of collecting numerous documents, lawsuits, complaints, and reports to the relevant authorities, who were only asked to issue all permits in accordance with regulations.

Žurnal in English
SARAJEVO CANTON HEALTH INSURANCE INSTITUTE: Maintenance of a Software System Worth 50 KM Costs 10,000 KM!
The Sarajevo Canton Health Insurance Institute procured a software system for the symbolic price of 50 KM. This would not raise concerns if, a year and a half later, a maintenance contract for the system had not been signed, amounting to 10,000 KM. The sole bidder in this tender was the same company that sold the software system for 50 KM. Similar examples highlight that, when it comes to IT tenders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, active and fair competition often does not exist. Experts warn of multiple aspects of potential corrupt misuse in such practices.

Žurnal in English
CANTONAL COURT IN MOSTAR DECIDED: Adriatic Metals loses exploitation permit for Vareš Mine
On December 30, 2024, the Cantonal Court in Mostar issued a ruling annulling the underground exploitation permit granted to Adriatic Metals BH. The decision was based on concerns over the potential threat to the drinking water source that supplies the Municipality of Kakanj. The court’s reasoning stated that the critical question of whether underground exploitation would impact the Bukovica water intake, and the extent of that impact, was not adequately addressed. Additionally, the court found that the Federation Ministry had authorized exploitation at an unexamined and restricted site.

Žurnal in English
CONSTRUCTION OF THE HOSPITAL AND MINERS’ SQUARE: The Citizens of Zenica Are Being Deceived by Both the Cantonal Prime Minister and the Mayor
It is possible that the sale of land at Trg Rudara (Miners’ Square) and all other locations with adopted controversial regulatory plans could be annulled through legal proceedings, holding everyone involved in the chain of unlawful decision-making accountable for the abuse of office and compensating investors for damages. However, this is a theory that is largely contradicted by practice.

Žurnal in English
General's untouchable son: Police, Prosecutors, and Lawyers have been protecting a brutal abuser for years
Since 2021 A. H. has been convicted three times for causing bodily harm to her and others (both minor and serious bodily injuries). He has also been convicted for physically attacking a police escort patrol. He was sentenced to probation twice, and for the attack on officials – police patrol, he received a one-year prison sentence, which was later replaced with community service while remaining at liberty.
Žurnal in English
THE LIFE OF ONCOLOGY PATIENTS IN ZDC: Long Waiting Lists, Expensive Private Examinations, and the Inability to Reimburse Costs
Patients at the Oncology Department of the Zenica Cantonal Hospital have been facing poor conditions for years, including overcrowded waiting rooms, lack of equipment and staff, and excessively long waiting lists, all of which hinder their treatment. Although, according to the authorities, funds for the construction of a new Oncology Department have been approved, the project remains stalled due to property-legal issues. Essentially, the root cause lies in inter-party conflicts. The SNOP Association of Oncology Patients highlights the issue of waiting lists as a primary concern, especially for MRI and CT scans.

Žurnal in English
NEW DUMP NEAR LUKAVAC: How Much Poison Can Residents Endure?
The announcement by Elektroprivreda BiH to dispose of waste from the Tuzla Thermal Power Plant in the Lukavac municipality has sparked outrage among residents and local authorities. The local government demands a halt to this proposal, while citizens warn that the planned site for the dump contains numerous sources of not only drinking water but also thermal and mineral springs. EPBiH states that they are not creating a new dump but are technically reclaiming degraded areas, arguing that there are no justified reasons to abandon this proposal.

Žurnal in English
WHO STOPPED THE INVESTIGATION INTO THE OPERATIONS OF IRB RS: Loans, Credits, and Advances to Privileged Companies Lost Forever!
Who were the beneficiaries of IRB loans, how much money was allocated for this purpose, under what conditions, and how much of the approved loans (both principal and interest) have been repaid? The public will likely never fully know the answers. Yet, the funds distributed generously to privileged companies were public money belonging to all citizens of the RS.
Žurnal in English
WHY IS A NEW ZENICA HOSPITAL NOT BEING BUILT: Patients Suffer Due to Political Conflicts, Poor Conditions, and Waiting Lists
The Cantonal Hospital Zenica, located within a complex constructed back in 1959, is facing severe infrastructural problems, a lack of equipment, and the departure of medical staff. The planned construction of a new hospital is being delayed by property and legal disputes, as it has been ruled that the complex is owned by the City of Zenica. Meanwhile, patients continue to suffer due to long waiting lists and inadequate conditions.

Žurnal in English
WATCH ŽURNAL’S MOVIE: FEMICIDE - Please help, he will kill me!
Nizama, Alma, Amra, Anđelka, Zorka, Emira, Nermina, Selma, Amela, Rada, Kada, Tahira, Mileva… are just some of the women who have been killed in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the last few years. More than 60! All of these murders could have been characterized as femicide, with harsher sentences. But that crime does not exist. The current political structures, which could be described as patriarchal, reject such initiatives. Meanwhile, the grim statistics continue to rise.

Žurnal in English
CAN RITE UGLJEVIK SURVIVE: Capital Reduction as a Step Toward Privatization?
The situation at RiTE Ugljevik is alarming, not only because of significant financial losses and the burden of settling debts from arbitration rulings but also due to the deteriorating condition of the thermal power plant. A major overhaul of the plant should be conducted at least every five years, but the last overhaul of the 40-year-old Ugljevik plant was done in 2017. As we approach the end of 2024, the management of RiTE is considering postponing the next major overhaul until 2026!
Žurnal in English
Where do 211.000 tons of garbage end up: Illegal landfills pollute the air, water and spoil, causing serious illness in local residents
Omer Hujdur states that the situation at the Uborak landfill is becoming increasingly difficult, noting that the connection between the landfill and the rise in cancer rates has been apparent for a long time. Safet Kubat explains that illegal landfills are often a major source of drinking water contamination through leachate. The Center for the Environment has reported numerous instances of illegal and improperly managed landfills across the country, from Omačina to Drvar.
Žurnal in English
Mine in Sanski Most: Lager Company Profits While Polluting Land and Water for Residents
After the Sanski Most Municipal Council rescinded its approval and called for the revocation of Lager's mining concession, cantonal and federal ministries confirmed that the company is operating within legal parameters, dismissing any grounds for cancelling the concession. Despite this, Lager’s activities continue to impact local communities negatively, polluting water sources, breaching its own concession agreements, and exceeding its authorised operations. Residents of nearby villages, who declined to sell their land to the mining company, are now left to defend their property independently.

Žurnal in English
EPILOGUE OF THE GREAT HEIST: Workers and Shareholders of Trgovina Borac Can Forget About Their Stolen Property
Hundreds of business premises were enough to make Trgovina Borac a target even before the plundering privatisation orchestrated and carried out by the political parties SDA and HDZ BiH. For this company, it all began in 1999 with the sale of its first properties, which are recorded in the so-called passive sub-balance.

Žurnal in English
RICHMOND PARK INTERNATIONAL PRIMARY SCHOOL IN BIHAĆ: Children are taught by teachers without work permits and verified diplomas
Richmond Park International Primary School in Bihać operates as part of the Richmond educational institutions. Over the past year, this primary school has been under inspection by the Cantonal Administration for Inspection Affairs in the Una-Sana Canton (USK). During this inspection, violations were found regarding the qualifications of the staff employed at the institution.

Žurnal in English
When the Land Registry Burns: How Authorities in Bosanska Krupa Sold State Property
The draft law on state property, which was adopted by the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and submitted to parliamentary procedure, offers an opportunity for long-awaited regulation of ownership, management, and repurposing of state property. However, reactions from Republika Srpska entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina suggest minimal chances of its adoption. Examples from Bosanska Krupa indicate serious consequences due to the longstanding unresolved issues around state property, impacting local authorities, as well as individuals and companies.

Žurnal in English
FORESTS TARGETED BY THE MAFIA: Multi-Million Dollar Crime Involving Illegal Loggers, Interest Groups, and Politics
The private forest "Repišta" in Vučija Luka has been devastated. The majority owner, Milka Popović, reported everything to the police and prosecutor's office, but no action has been taken on these complaints for two years. The situation is no better in other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Most illegal logging occurs in areas where local authorities or relevant inspections lack sufficient resources for control, says Azra Šehić-Kustura. The forestry sector is considered one of the most unregulated fields in the country’s economy, and HNK (Herzegovina-Neretva Canton), where we’ve witnessed 15 years of anarchy in the forestry sector, is deemed one of the most critical areas, according to the Foundation "Atelier for Social Change." Environmental activist Safet Kubat believes that illegal and unplanned logging is also linked to landslides.
Žurnal in English
PEDOPHILIA IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: A Corrupt System Punishes Victims and Protects Child Abusers
In Republika Srpska, 250 individuals have been registered as paedophiles since the registry was established in 2018. In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there has yet to be a comprehensive listing of all individuals with final convictions for paedophilia. Incidents of paedophilia are on the rise throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. From January 1 to December 31, 2023, the Banja Luka District Public Prosecutor's Office received 47 reports of sexual assault on minors and filed 31 indictments.

Žurnal in English
WHEN THE PROSECUTION FAILS: From a Criminal Suspect to a Prominent Businessman
Instead of being prosecuted, Dragan Blaž transitioned from being labelled "controversial" to becoming a "respected" businessman, making significant strides in construction projects—from highway works and residential developments to solar and mini-hydropower plants...

Žurnal in English
BiH HEALTHCARE IN MAJOR CRISIS: Politics, catastrophic conditions and old standards are killing patients and driving doctors away
Doctors in BiH work under conditions that are far below European and world standards. There is sufficient funding, but due to poor organization and a lack of interest from political elites in implementing necessary health reforms, this money is wasted. It is not invested in essential improvements to infrastructure and equipment, nor in retaining medical staff. Ultimately, patients pay the highest price.

KAKO SE DODIK BOGATIO NA RAČUN RS (3): Šta povezuje vilu na Dedinju i ugovor sa ČEZ-om?

NOVI DUG EKONOMSKI STABILNE RS: Šta je Višković založio za kredit od pola milijarde KM

UBICE SLOBODNE, PORODICA U AGONIJI: Sedam godina bez pravde za Davida Dragičevića

POGLEDAJTE FILM KOJI JE ZA 12 SATI IMAO POLA MILIONA PREGLEDA:: Kameleon u beogradskom Pionirskom parku

KO KRIJE SNIMAK NADZORNE KAMERE: Usporena odluka za prekršajnu prijavu protiv Rame Isaka


POSAO ZA TUŽILAŠTVO I PRAVOBRANILAŠTVO BIH: Državno zemljište u Vitezu za odabrane po mjeri HDZ-a

DRŽAVA KAO ORGANIZOVANI OBLIK KRIMINALA (2): Mafijaško samoupravljanje i prividno bratstvo i jedinstvo

AUDIO ŽURNAL: Pregled sedmice od 16. do 22. marta 2025.

PROTESTI U NOVOM SADU ZBOG PRIVOĐENJA AKTIVISTA: Uhapšenima prijeti do pet godina zatvora

NA ZAHTJEV TUŽILAŠTVA BiH: Sud BiH produžio pritvor Nenadu Nešiću za dva mjeseca

SAMO NAS NEMOJTE HAPSITI: Stevandić spreman za povlačenje neustavnih zakona

RODNO ZASNOVAN GOVOR MRŽNJE U BIH: Govorili su nam da smo ubice djece i komunističke prostitutke

ŠTETNI UGOVORI UNIŠTILI ELEKTROENERGETSKI SISTEM RS: Građanima na račun stiže 780,7 miliona KM po presudama

VIJEĆE MINISTARA BiH: Darko Ćulum nije razriješen sa pozicije direktora SIPA-e

ZAŠTO GRAĐANI PLAĆAJU AJN BiH: Više od 20 dana bez reakcije na milionski kriminal u „Vodama Srpske“

BEZ OBZIRA NA DODIKOVE PRIJETNJE: Slab odziv pripadnika SIPE, tužilaca i sudija da napuste institucije

PREGLED LUDILA: Dodik prosipa silu, Stevandić ga prati, Vučić ukopava, BiH šuti

SRAMOTNE IZMJENE ZAKONA: Ko je glasao da “crnolistaši” primaju ogromne plate u kešu?
KAKO SE DODIK BOGATIO NA RAČUN RS (2): Predaja naftne industrije RS „nepoznatim“ kupcima