Increased Radioactivity Threatens Miners' and Residents' Health
Žurnal in English
URANIUM IN THE MINE TUŠNICA: Increased Radioactivity Threatens Miners' and Residents' Health
Research on the radioactivity of brown coal in Tušnica and the presence of uranium seems to have interested only a few people who see profit in it. With the current price of uranium at $120 per kilogram, it's no surprise that there are growing stories about foreign investors being interested in this Livno mine. The health of the population in several villages beneath Tušnica, surviving illegally by extracting this coal, seems to be disregarded, and no one has warned them about its radioactivity.
Turkish conquest of Bosnia - The vassal period
Žurnal in English
WATCH THE MOVIE: Turkish conquest of Bosnia - The vassal period
The guidelines of Erdoğan’s foreign policy that originated on boosting of the influence in the areas that were part of the Ottoman Empire can be found in the book of former Prime Minister of Türkiye and former AKP President Ahmet Davutoğlu “Strategic depth – Türkiye’s international position”.
Municipality of Trnovo (RS) works for the interests of the construction lobby
Žurnal in English
DESTRUCTION OF JAHORINA CONTINUES: Municipality of Trnovo (RS) works for the interests of the construction lobby
In the objections raised against the Plan, owners of existing properties on Jahorina point out that the proposed solutions close off access to some houses, and multi-story buildings are planned in areas that have served as parking lots until now, exacerbating the issue of parking shortages during the winter months in the tourist season. The road is expanding towards ski slopes, the route of ski slopes is narrowing, and the plots of existing business properties are expanding up to ten times. This includes the enclosure and fencing of existing cottages.
Are there miners in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Žurnal in English
Watch the movie: Are there miners in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Strikes and protests of the miners in mines of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s entity Federation are becoming a customary event. Their salaries are late, and they neither have health insurance nor contribution payments for retirement. The debts have exceed one billion Convertible Marks. This sector was managed by SDA and Party for BiH and SDP and Democratic Front, individually or in coalitions. They have been continuously ignoring the problem for the sake of alleged social peace.
Only for financing state officials, Dodik needs 330 million KM!
Žurnal in English
CAN RS FINANCE WITHDRAWAL FROM INSTITUTIONS: Only for financing state officials, Dodik needs 330 million KM!
The calculation is simple – for just over 7,000 officials who work in state institutions from 8 am to 4 pm, and from 6 pm they are expected to block the entity border at the "Border Exists" protest, and whom RS President Milorad Dodik would reward for leaving those same institutions, he would need to provide 328,936,667 KM. The methods - Dodik did not explain. By the end of this year alone, he must find another half a billion KM for loan instalments.
All of Dodik's tales about referendums
Žurnal in English
TENSION-PRESERVING TOOL: All of Dodik's tales about referendums
Thirteen years ago, Republika Srpska (RS) adopted the Law on Referendum and Citizen Initiative, and the day before the adoption of that law, Dodik stated that a referendum on whether RS would remain within Bosnia and Herzegovina or not would "definitely be held one day." Since then, the issue of referendums has become Dodik's main tool, which he constantly wields to defend his political position and keep Bosnia and Herzegovina in a state of continuous crisis and weakening of its institutions.
Milorad Dodik's Blind Spot
Žurnal in English
POCKET MILOŠEVIĆ: Milorad Dodik's Blind Spot
Republika Srpska that Dodik desires would have to resemble its "national treasure," in addition to Milošević's Serbia – to be deceitful, aggressive, unreliable, intolerant, homophobic, chauvinistic, primitive, and crude...
Investors profit freely from illegally constructed buildings
Žurnal in English
LUCRATIVE CORRUPTION IN ILIDŽA: Investors profit freely from illegally constructed buildings
Following the arrest and subsequent release from custody of former mayor Senaid Memić, various "investors" who obtained necessary permits for construction in water protection zones, riverbeds, and national monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina should come under the scrutiny of the prosecutor's office
A police officer's killer worked as a teacher at the Economics School in Brčko!
Žurnal in English
CRIMINALS IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM: A police officer's killer worked as a teacher at the Economics School in Brčko!
A student from the Economics School in Brčko reported a primary school teacher for harassment, and a police investigation revealed that the same teacher had previously been convicted of killing a police officer and other criminal acts. Chief Prosecutor Zekerija Mujkanović recalled a case from 2006 when a primary school educator, known for his inappropriate behaviour towards minors, was convicted of sexual offences against underage girls. Despite his previous record, he was still employed to work with children.
I wish you get a high blood pressure, I wish your heart and everything else fails...
Žurnal in English
Six minutes of Dodik's hatred (video): I wish you get a high blood pressure, I wish your heart and everything else fails...
In this video clip that has been done in cooperation with members of a research group called Umbrella, we have selected a few examples that illustrate the way Milorad Dodik communicates with media representatives.
Who are Vučić's baton-wielding special operations forces?
Žurnal in English
HOW ARE STATE-PROTECTED ABUSERS: Who are Vučić's baton-wielding special operations forces?
If there are ever radical changes in Serbia, if we become somewhat civilized, there will be an overwhelming amount of work for investigative authorities. The Serbian Progressive Party originated from the Serbian Radical Party, and it all stemmed from a paramilitary, underground, hooligan milieu. Therefore, it is natural for the president of the country to gather around him a praetorian guard composed of various individuals who would be of interest to the police in a normal country.
How Many Billions Does Milorad Dodik Own Exactly?
Žurnal in English
THE WEALTH THAT IS BECOMING HARDER TO HIDE: How Many Billions Does Milorad Dodik Own Exactly?
If the media reports about the extent of his wealth are true, then Dodik could easily repay more than half of the total debt of Republika Srpska, which amounts to slightly over 6 billion KM or repay this year's credit claims that reach nearly a billion KM. He could significantly ease the uncertain economic situation of this Bosnian-Herzegovinian entity.
O unbelievers, do you believe in the honesty of Fadil Novalić?
Žurnal in English
PREMIER'S HOLY WAR: O unbelievers, do you believe in the honesty of Fadil Novalić?
If we lived in a society where strict Sharia laws applied, it is questionable whether the federal prime minister could shake hands with anyone.
The BFS company cannot be stopped by the inspection, the court, seals, or concerned citizens
Žurnal in English
THE POISONING OF KREŠEVO CONTINUES: The BFS company cannot be stopped by the inspection, the court, seals, or concerned citizens
The company BFS, the owner of the quarries that have been banned more than once from working, in addition to pressuring the locals through lawsuits, has also decided to pressurize the inspection. They submitted a number of requests for review of administrative measures, exemption of acting inspector, but also criminal reports and lawsuits against the Federation of BiH and FUZIP
Who wants to be a war criminal?
Žurnal in English
Serbian volunteers have been fighting on the Russian side since Russia's first invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Competent authorities look through their fingers because Serbia has long been a Russian-colonial state, so they judge them when they really have to, and that they do very favourably. By the beginning of 2018, the High Court in Belgrade had convicted 28 Serbian citizens for participating in the war in Ukraine. Only four were stuck in prison, and all the others were given suspended sentences and are at liberty.
Citizen/collaborator in the fight against Žurnal
Žurnal in English
INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH NEW PRESSURE: Citizen/collaborator in the fight against Žurnal
How lucky we are to have an army of inspectors that can check the daily operations of all possible companies, associations, and institutions... No one would be happier than us if that were to happen. Finally, we too could write about New Year's concerts, weddings of the century and performances that disturb our mothers and sisters
Serbs as Gauls, Vučić as Vitalstatistix
Žurnal in English
IN THE LAND OF ASTERIX AND OBELIX: Serbs as Gauls, Vučić as Vitalstatistix
While the mobilized young men gave their lives for the fatherland and war profiteers, the same fatherland gave Vučić an apartment of 117.5 square meters in New Belgrade, to repay him for all his services in stifling media freedom and censoring reports on war events, with special emphasis on war crimes, mass expulsions of Albanians, cold stores and mass graves. This is not the only difference between the Serbian and the Gallic leader. Unlike Vučić, Vitalstatistix does not rob his Gals, humiliate them, terrorize them and treat them like a bunch of idiots.
There is no corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Žurnal in English
A NEW YEAR'S FAIRY TALE THAT I DIDN'T WRITE: There is no corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This New Year's fairy tale pleased the entire Bosnian scum. Tycoons, war profiteers, money launderers, blackmailers, dealers, sellers of diplomas and jobs, middlemen on the black market, political and national overnight converts and similar scum are rejoicing because they finally believe that their aunt from America sent them millions.
Why isn’t Vučić imposing sanctions on Russia?
Žurnal in English
SERBIA'S ROAD TO ISOLATION: Why isn’t Vučić imposing sanctions on Russia?
One European country was attacked for no reason, all other countries in Europe sided with the victims and helped as much as they can, and Serbia remained the last hole on the European continent, the only ally of the Kremlin criminal Vladimir Putin, despite reason, morality, elementary humanity, and even their own interests.
You have no reason to worry if you don't know what's happening to you
Žurnal in English
BLINDNESS AND POST-ELECTION DEPRESSION: You have no reason to worry if you don't know what's happening to you
If you ask yourself why something has gone up in price, you answer yourself by saying that it is God's will/giving, in this case specifically - taking away. If you complain that there is no heating, you immediately encourage yourself with the not-at-all-relieving fact that there is a crisis everywhere. If you don't have a job, you whisper to yourself into your pillow that it will come - if God allows. You can't pay back a loan - you take a walk in nature and admire the colours of autumn.
Illegal landfills pollute the air, water and spoil, causing serious illness in local residents
Where do 211.000 tons of garbage end up: Illegal landfills pollute the air, water and spoil, causing serious illness in local residents
U Šipovu, Nevesinju, Kalinoviku, Berkovićima i Srebrenici građani nisu birali promjene
BEZ OZBILJNIH IZBORNIH PONUDA: U Šipovu, Nevesinju, Kalinoviku, Berkovićima i Srebrenici građani nisu birali promjene
Kad bi tužioci, policajci i sudije držali datu reč
Rušenje sistema korupcije: Kad bi tužioci, policajci i sudije držali datu reč
Samozvani istražitelji postali predmet istrage!
DJELOVANJE ORGANIZACIJE PANTER: Samozvani istražitelji postali predmet istrage!
Fotelje zagarantovane i nakon afera
BIRAČI ODABRALI SNSD: Fotelje zagarantovane i nakon afera
Kako porodica Zaimović dobija unosne poslove od RMU Kakanj
367 tendera za porodičnu firmu: Kako porodica Zaimović dobija unosne poslove od RMU Kakanj
Pregled sedmice od 10.11. do 16.11.2024.
AUDIO ŽURNAL: Pregled sedmice od 10.11. do 16.11.2024.
Šta reći nakon što je Berilo pobijedio iz pritvora
IZBORNI POST FESTUM: Šta reći nakon što je Berilo pobijedio iz pritvora
Ako ikad zaboravim ko sam (audio)
Dijala Hasanbegović: Ako ikad zaboravim ko sam (audio)
Pronadjite ministre!
Općina Kreševo izdaje prostor HDZ-ovom vijećniku po simboličnoj cijeni
U ZDRAVOM TIJELU ZDRAV HDZ DUH: Općina Kreševo izdaje prostor HDZ-ovom vijećniku po simboličnoj cijeni
Pismena zadaća (audio): Stranac
Lager Company Profits While Polluting Land and Water for Residents
Mine in Sanski Most: Lager Company Profits While Polluting Land and Water for Residents
Ministarstvo tvrdi da zeničko Muftijstvo nije zatražilo tehnički prijem Islamskog centra
Ko ne govori istinu: Ministarstvo tvrdi da zeničko Muftijstvo nije zatražilo tehnički prijem Islamskog centra
Kosmos Media Group preuzima poslove sankcionisane agencije Mania
Još jedan pokušaj zaobilaženja sankcija : Kosmos Media Group preuzima poslove sankcionisane agencije Mania
Workers and Shareholders of Trgovina Borac Can Forget About Their Stolen Property
EPILOGUE OF THE GREAT HEIST: Workers and Shareholders of Trgovina Borac Can Forget About Their Stolen Property
Kamen u stisnutom dlanu
Iz Crvenog solitera: Kamen u stisnutom dlanu
Klubovi preuzimaju kontrolu, udruženja izlaze iz igre
BORBA ZA FUDBALSKI SAVEZ KS: Klubovi preuzimaju kontrolu, udruženja izlaze iz igre
'Nastojite kao dokaz uvesti govor potomka žrtve, a napada ga potomak okupatora'
Skandalozna izjava Dodikovog advokata : 'Nastojite kao dokaz uvesti govor potomka žrtve, a napada ga potomak okupatora'
Divlje deponije zagađuju zrak, vodu i tlo i uzrokuju teške bolesti kod lokalnog stanovništva
Gdje završava 211.000 tona smeća: Divlje deponije zagađuju zrak, vodu i tlo i uzrokuju teške bolesti kod lokalnog stanovništva