The Federation is paying millions in damages to private companies, while the prosecutor's offices remain silent
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ILLEGAL PRIVATIZATION OF KRIVAJA: The Federation is paying millions in damages to private companies, while the prosecutor's offices remain silent
If the direct actors or those responsible for the destruction of the Krivaja Zavidovići factory had been prosecuted in the past 25 years, its workers would still have jobs today and receive salaries instead of occasional handouts from the authorities. The Privatization Revision Agency identified several illegalities in the privatization process of Krivaja. The ball is in the court of the Federation government.
Battle for life - System against oncology patients
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WATCH ŽURNAL’S MOVIE: Battle for life - System against oncology patients
Žurnal’s new movie, “Battle for Life: System against oncology patients” sheds light on the challenges faced by oncology patients and the system they must navigate as to exercise their right to treatment.
Companies Connected to the Dodik Family Earned 144 Million KM Last Year!
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HOW THE CORRUPT NETWORK WAS FINANCE:: Companies Connected to the Dodik Family Earned 144 Million KM Last Year!
Companies linked to the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and his family, which were sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury and identified as sources of income for the corrupt network, earned 143,782,377 KM last year alone. Financial reports for 2023 reveal a frantic accumulation of money. Tender reports for the previous years are also clear – 1,887 contracts worth 541,325,485 KM.
New RS Bank Unsuccessfully Attempts to Save Individuals from the
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DODIK'S DESPERATE PLAN: New RS Bank Unsuccessfully Attempts to Save Individuals from the "Blacklist"
In a bid to evade American sanctions, at least when it comes to blocked accounts of officials and companies in Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik envisions a "bank that will handle internal payment transactions" as salvation. The establishment of a new bank for the needs of sanctioned entities was announced last year by Dodik and Radovan Višković. Republika Srpska already had its own bank, which barely operated for four years before going bankrupt.
Milorad Dodik Wants to Play for Russia with Western Money
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THE STRUGGLES OF PUTIN'S PET: Milorad Dodik Wants to Play for Russia with Western Money
Vladimir Putin, the "people's candidate", once again the president of the Russian Federation He previously eliminated serious opponents in various ways. Aleksandar Vučić and Milorad Dodik are happy with the election results, knowing that with Putin's victory they can continue to manipulate their voter base. And precisely at the moment when that base realizes that their faithful following does not contribute to the quality of life, on the contrary, it will be their political end.
Devastation of olympic mountains
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WATCH THE MOVIE: Devastation of olympic mountains
Forty years after the Winter Olympic Games, the venues of competitions, the mountains near Sarajevo, Trebević, Bjelašnica, Jahorina, and Igman have become venues of fast-paced construction of tourist resorts, hotels and apartments. The forest is being cleared for construction of private buildings, apartments and hotels, with questionable validity of the permits issued by the municipalities. The origin of the money that is being used for what some are already calling ecocide and urbicide is a mystery for some investors.
How is life truly lived in the symbol of freedom?
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WHAT IS CELEBRATED ON JANUARY 9: How is life truly lived in the symbol of freedom?
At the beginning of 2024, absolute freedom has acquired something akin to an official slogan - "the symbol of freedom." It has actually been so all these years only for those who unquestionably accepted and still accept the orders of the prime minister, the president, a member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Daddy Milorad Dodik. In the heart of Europe, in the 21st century, absolute freedom absolutely does not exist for, for example, other citizens.
Stanivuković doesn't need building permits
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WHEN A CITY BECOMES A TOY: Stanivuković doesn't need building permits
While standing in front of the citizens, talking about the new face of the city and announcing a decade of construction, Mayor Draško Stanivuković forgot to mention that he didn't obtain the necessary building permits before starting the works. He does it casually, while the construction is well underway. The Journal didn't receive a response regarding whether citizens can do the same.
Are Prosecutors the Weakest Link in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Judiciary?
Žurnal in English
WHY WERE INDICTMENTS FOR MILLION-DOLLAR CRIMES DISMISSED: Are Prosecutors the Weakest Link in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Judiciary?
In 2018, the OSCE Mission in BiH warned about poorly crafted indictments and their hasty confirmation, with Damjan Ožegović noting that nothing has changed since then. A former employee of SIPA claims that prosecutors handle public funds without any authorization. The Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of Sarajevo Canton, Sabina Sarajlija, emphasizes the importance of the quality of indictments, and the significant role of pre-trial judges, and acknowledges that in individual cases, we can discuss certain shortcomings on the part of prosecutors.
Fear of Losing Drinking Water Due to Concessions
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RESIDENTS OF LIVNO FIGHT TO PRESERVE WATER SOURCES: Fear of Losing Drinking Water Due to Concessions
Residents of several villages near Tušnica in Livno are concerned about the concession granted for the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, fearing the loss of drinking water. While the residents fight to preserve their water sources, authorities in Livno turn a blind eye to the report of the Government of Canton 10's working body, which explicitly lists all the shortcomings from the initial exploration permit in 2006 to the first concession in 2012, and its transfer to another company in 2018.
Citizens as a Human Shield in the Protection of the President and Family
Žurnal in English
DEFENSE STRATEGY OF MILORAD DODIK: Citizens as a Human Shield in the Protection of the President and Family
An apparent challenge for Dodik and those around him is the lack of support among the people in Republika Srpska, unlike what they had, for example, in 2006 when Dodik rose to political heights, replacing the rhetoric of a moderate social democrat with a radical nationalist narrative. Since then, Dodik's policies have not brought anything good to the citizens of Republika Srpska.
Increased Radioactivity Threatens Miners' and Residents' Health
Žurnal in English
URANIUM IN THE MINE TUŠNICA: Increased Radioactivity Threatens Miners' and Residents' Health
Research on the radioactivity of brown coal in Tušnica and the presence of uranium seems to have interested only a few people who see profit in it. With the current price of uranium at $120 per kilogram, it's no surprise that there are growing stories about foreign investors being interested in this Livno mine. The health of the population in several villages beneath Tušnica, surviving illegally by extracting this coal, seems to be disregarded, and no one has warned them about its radioactivity.
Turkish conquest of Bosnia - The vassal period
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WATCH THE MOVIE: Turkish conquest of Bosnia - The vassal period
The guidelines of Erdoğan’s foreign policy that originated on boosting of the influence in the areas that were part of the Ottoman Empire can be found in the book of former Prime Minister of Türkiye and former AKP President Ahmet Davutoğlu “Strategic depth – Türkiye’s international position”.
Municipality of Trnovo (RS) works for the interests of the construction lobby
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DESTRUCTION OF JAHORINA CONTINUES: Municipality of Trnovo (RS) works for the interests of the construction lobby
In the objections raised against the Plan, owners of existing properties on Jahorina point out that the proposed solutions close off access to some houses, and multi-story buildings are planned in areas that have served as parking lots until now, exacerbating the issue of parking shortages during the winter months in the tourist season. The road is expanding towards ski slopes, the route of ski slopes is narrowing, and the plots of existing business properties are expanding up to ten times. This includes the enclosure and fencing of existing cottages.
Are there miners in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Žurnal in English
Watch the movie: Are there miners in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Strikes and protests of the miners in mines of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s entity Federation are becoming a customary event. Their salaries are late, and they neither have health insurance nor contribution payments for retirement. The debts have exceed one billion Convertible Marks. This sector was managed by SDA and Party for BiH and SDP and Democratic Front, individually or in coalitions. They have been continuously ignoring the problem for the sake of alleged social peace.
Only for financing state officials, Dodik needs 330 million KM!
Žurnal in English
CAN RS FINANCE WITHDRAWAL FROM INSTITUTIONS: Only for financing state officials, Dodik needs 330 million KM!
The calculation is simple – for just over 7,000 officials who work in state institutions from 8 am to 4 pm, and from 6 pm they are expected to block the entity border at the "Border Exists" protest, and whom RS President Milorad Dodik would reward for leaving those same institutions, he would need to provide 328,936,667 KM. The methods - Dodik did not explain. By the end of this year alone, he must find another half a billion KM for loan instalments.
All of Dodik's tales about referendums
Žurnal in English
TENSION-PRESERVING TOOL: All of Dodik's tales about referendums
Thirteen years ago, Republika Srpska (RS) adopted the Law on Referendum and Citizen Initiative, and the day before the adoption of that law, Dodik stated that a referendum on whether RS would remain within Bosnia and Herzegovina or not would "definitely be held one day." Since then, the issue of referendums has become Dodik's main tool, which he constantly wields to defend his political position and keep Bosnia and Herzegovina in a state of continuous crisis and weakening of its institutions.
Milorad Dodik's Blind Spot
Žurnal in English
POCKET MILOŠEVIĆ: Milorad Dodik's Blind Spot
Republika Srpska that Dodik desires would have to resemble its "national treasure," in addition to Milošević's Serbia – to be deceitful, aggressive, unreliable, intolerant, homophobic, chauvinistic, primitive, and crude...
Investors profit freely from illegally constructed buildings
Žurnal in English
LUCRATIVE CORRUPTION IN ILIDŽA: Investors profit freely from illegally constructed buildings
Following the arrest and subsequent release from custody of former mayor Senaid Memić, various "investors" who obtained necessary permits for construction in water protection zones, riverbeds, and national monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina should come under the scrutiny of the prosecutor's office
A police officer's killer worked as a teacher at the Economics School in Brčko!
Žurnal in English
CRIMINALS IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM: A police officer's killer worked as a teacher at the Economics School in Brčko!
A student from the Economics School in Brčko reported a primary school teacher for harassment, and a police investigation revealed that the same teacher had previously been convicted of killing a police officer and other criminal acts. Chief Prosecutor Zekerija Mujkanović recalled a case from 2006 when a primary school educator, known for his inappropriate behaviour towards minors, was convicted of sexual offences against underage girls. Despite his previous record, he was still employed to work with children.
Nije RS jedan čovjek, nema podršku u svojoj kući!
Počela sjednica NS RS: Nije RS jedan čovjek, nema podršku u svojoj kući!
Budite svjesni da je ovo ozbiljna prijetnja
OHR upozorio NSRS: Budite svjesni da je ovo ozbiljna prijetnja
Vučić bi rado prodao Dodika
DINKO GRUHONJIĆ ZA ŽURNAL: Vučić bi rado prodao Dodika
Secesija u svrhu odbrane Milorada Dodika
NSRS DANAS O NOVOM USTAVU ENTITETA: Secesija u svrhu odbrane Milorada Dodika
Tužilaštvo BiH izdalo naredbu za privođenje na saslušanje Dodika, Stevandića i Viškovića
ZBOG NAPADA NA USTAVNI POREDAK: Tužilaštvo BiH izdalo naredbu za privođenje na saslušanje Dodika, Stevandića i Viškovića
Studenti poručuju - Neka 15. mart bude dan koji nećemo zaboraviti!
PROTESTI U SRBIJI: Studenti poručuju - Neka 15. mart bude dan koji nećemo zaboraviti!
Duhovni teror
Drago Bojić: Duhovni teror
Gradonačelnik za pola miliona kupio stan u Aleji - Centar
GRAD BANJALUKA ĐURIĆU OPROSTIO 22 MILIONA KM: Gradonačelnik za pola miliona kupio stan u Aleji - Centar
Katastrofalno upravljanje oduzetom imovinom u FBiH
ZAOSTAVŠTINA VINKA JAKIĆA: Katastrofalno upravljanje oduzetom imovinom u FBiH
Milorad Dodik se nije pojavio u Tužilaštvu BiH, podrška NATO-a institucijama države
POLITIČKA KRIZA U BIH: Milorad Dodik se nije pojavio u Tužilaštvu BiH, podrška NATO-a institucijama države
Pregled sedmice 2.3.-8.3.2025.
AUDIO ŽURNAL: Pregled sedmice 2.3.-8.3.2025.
Niste nedodirljivi, vrijeme je da vam zakucamo na vrata
PORUKA SKUPA 'ZENICA USTAJE' (VIDEO): Niste nedodirljivi, vrijeme je da vam zakucamo na vrata
Kako Dodik zamišlja Dejtonski sporazum
NEDJELJNI KOMENTAR ĐOKE NINKOVIĆA: Kako Dodik zamišlja Dejtonski sporazum
Ubijanje djece
Svaki put kada istrage dođu do Dodika, on maksimalno podiže tenzije
OPROBANI METOD ODBRANE KRIMINALA: Svaki put kada istrage dođu do Dodika, on maksimalno podiže tenzije
Ko nam podvali dezinformacije?
NA KRAJU DANA: Ko nam podvali dezinformacije?
Kockarska egzibicija protiv interesa naroda u RS
Jačaju glasovi protiv Dodikovih odluka: Kockarska egzibicija protiv interesa naroda u RS
Hoće li Dodik amnestirati ratne zločince?
Aktivista Edin Ramulić: Hoće li Dodik amnestirati ratne zločince?
Fikret Hodžić i Srebrena malina pravosnažno oslobođeni
PRESUDA SUDA BiH: Fikret Hodžić i Srebrena malina pravosnažno oslobođeni
Većina naroda u RS je protiv Dodikovih odluka, ali nema moć
RISTO JEFTIĆ, UDRUŽENJE VETERANA RS: Većina naroda u RS je protiv Dodikovih odluka, ali nema moć