I wish you get a high blood pressure, I wish your heart and everything else fails...
Žurnal in English
Six minutes of Dodik's hatred (video): I wish you get a high blood pressure, I wish your heart and everything else fails...
In this video clip that has been done in cooperation with members of a research group called Umbrella, we have selected a few examples that illustrate the way Milorad Dodik communicates with media representatives.
Who are Vučić's baton-wielding special operations forces?
Žurnal in English
HOW ARE STATE-PROTECTED ABUSERS: Who are Vučić's baton-wielding special operations forces?
If there are ever radical changes in Serbia, if we become somewhat civilized, there will be an overwhelming amount of work for investigative authorities. The Serbian Progressive Party originated from the Serbian Radical Party, and it all stemmed from a paramilitary, underground, hooligan milieu. Therefore, it is natural for the president of the country to gather around him a praetorian guard composed of various individuals who would be of interest to the police in a normal country.
How Many Billions Does Milorad Dodik Own Exactly?
Žurnal in English
THE WEALTH THAT IS BECOMING HARDER TO HIDE: How Many Billions Does Milorad Dodik Own Exactly?
If the media reports about the extent of his wealth are true, then Dodik could easily repay more than half of the total debt of Republika Srpska, which amounts to slightly over 6 billion KM or repay this year's credit claims that reach nearly a billion KM. He could significantly ease the uncertain economic situation of this Bosnian-Herzegovinian entity.
O unbelievers, do you believe in the honesty of Fadil Novalić?
Žurnal in English
PREMIER'S HOLY WAR: O unbelievers, do you believe in the honesty of Fadil Novalić?
If we lived in a society where strict Sharia laws applied, it is questionable whether the federal prime minister could shake hands with anyone.
The BFS company cannot be stopped by the inspection, the court, seals, or concerned citizens
Žurnal in English
THE POISONING OF KREŠEVO CONTINUES: The BFS company cannot be stopped by the inspection, the court, seals, or concerned citizens
The company BFS, the owner of the quarries that have been banned more than once from working, in addition to pressuring the locals through lawsuits, has also decided to pressurize the inspection. They submitted a number of requests for review of administrative measures, exemption of acting inspector, but also criminal reports and lawsuits against the Federation of BiH and FUZIP
Who wants to be a war criminal?
Žurnal in English
Serbian volunteers have been fighting on the Russian side since Russia's first invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Competent authorities look through their fingers because Serbia has long been a Russian-colonial state, so they judge them when they really have to, and that they do very favourably. By the beginning of 2018, the High Court in Belgrade had convicted 28 Serbian citizens for participating in the war in Ukraine. Only four were stuck in prison, and all the others were given suspended sentences and are at liberty.
Citizen/collaborator in the fight against Žurnal
Žurnal in English
INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH NEW PRESSURE: Citizen/collaborator in the fight against Žurnal
How lucky we are to have an army of inspectors that can check the daily operations of all possible companies, associations, and institutions... No one would be happier than us if that were to happen. Finally, we too could write about New Year's concerts, weddings of the century and performances that disturb our mothers and sisters
Serbs as Gauls, Vučić as Vitalstatistix
Žurnal in English
IN THE LAND OF ASTERIX AND OBELIX: Serbs as Gauls, Vučić as Vitalstatistix
While the mobilized young men gave their lives for the fatherland and war profiteers, the same fatherland gave Vučić an apartment of 117.5 square meters in New Belgrade, to repay him for all his services in stifling media freedom and censoring reports on war events, with special emphasis on war crimes, mass expulsions of Albanians, cold stores and mass graves. This is not the only difference between the Serbian and the Gallic leader. Unlike Vučić, Vitalstatistix does not rob his Gals, humiliate them, terrorize them and treat them like a bunch of idiots.
There is no corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Žurnal in English
A NEW YEAR'S FAIRY TALE THAT I DIDN'T WRITE: There is no corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This New Year's fairy tale pleased the entire Bosnian scum. Tycoons, war profiteers, money launderers, blackmailers, dealers, sellers of diplomas and jobs, middlemen on the black market, political and national overnight converts and similar scum are rejoicing because they finally believe that their aunt from America sent them millions.
Why isn’t Vučić imposing sanctions on Russia?
Žurnal in English
SERBIA'S ROAD TO ISOLATION: Why isn’t Vučić imposing sanctions on Russia?
One European country was attacked for no reason, all other countries in Europe sided with the victims and helped as much as they can, and Serbia remained the last hole on the European continent, the only ally of the Kremlin criminal Vladimir Putin, despite reason, morality, elementary humanity, and even their own interests.
You have no reason to worry if you don't know what's happening to you
Žurnal in English
BLINDNESS AND POST-ELECTION DEPRESSION: You have no reason to worry if you don't know what's happening to you
If you ask yourself why something has gone up in price, you answer yourself by saying that it is God's will/giving, in this case specifically - taking away. If you complain that there is no heating, you immediately encourage yourself with the not-at-all-relieving fact that there is a crisis everywhere. If you don't have a job, you whisper to yourself into your pillow that it will come - if God allows. You can't pay back a loan - you take a walk in nature and admire the colours of autumn.
Why wasn't he stopped in time!?
Žurnal in English
A MINIATURE ABOUT FADIL: Why wasn't he stopped in time!?
When your political party functions according to codes and principles similar to those of the mafia, when your personnel policy is created according to the mafia style, where the most unscrupulous advance the fastest, and the henchmen unquestioningly agree to everything that is asked of them, regardless of the consequences, then you get a situation where yesterday's allies put you in prisons and take control of the territory.
When Vučić's progressives start denazification
Žurnal in English
FOLLOWING PUTIN'S DOCTRINE: When Vučić's progressives start denazification
The scenario of Vučić's failed play is always the same: first, he causes tensions and riots, announces the possibility of war for who knows what reason, declares the Serbs an endangered species, and then prays for peace and calming of tensions. The progressive camarilla is most reminiscent of those criminals from movies who charge the owners of shops, restaurants, and stores in their area for protection - they take their racket in order to protect them from themselves.
A lie armed to the teeth
Žurnal in English
PUTIN'S WAR PROPAGANDA: A lie armed to the teeth
Putin's propaganda does not try to convince reasonable people of anything, it does not address those who care about the real truth, those who search for the real state of affairs. Putin's propaganda machinery appeals to a different kind of people, one that does not seek the truth to act in accordance with it, but only seeks the authority and force to which it will submit.
How Nedim Uzunović and a web of associates took over Bosnalijek
Žurnal in English
A SEVEN-YEAR INVESTIGATION: How Nedim Uzunović and a web of associates took over Bosnalijek
Žurnal has been writing about crime in "Bosnalijek" for years. The focus of the long-term investigation is the director Nedim Uzunović, with whom everything begins, but also ends. Bosnalijek filed criminal charges against Uzunovic to the Moscow police in 2012, but despite that, he managed to return to the Sarajevo company through investors from Russia.
Employees of Elektroprivreda BiH are protesting because of insatiability among miners!
Žurnal in English
HIT THE POOR: Employees of Elektroprivreda BiH are protesting because of insatiability among miners!
Elektroprivreda workers held a short protest in support of the general director. Unlike the miners’, the salaries and meal allowances of the employees of Elektroprivreda were not late, they did not have to go on a hunger strike in order for their employer to pay their fees, they were not threatened or blackmailed by directors and unions...
Komšić's generation
Žurnal in English
IT WAS THE TIME OF ROSES: Komšić's generation
The painful post-war period was not at all painful for Komšić. On the contrary, "it was a time of roses", he had a high income and enjoyed all the privileges this state could give to anyone. As he himself says, he was “comfortable in peace” and “maybe he was too lulled and relaxed” so he forgot that the state needed to be built. How did we feel during that time?
Our enduring resolve in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Žurnal in English
DEREK CHOLLET: Our enduring resolve in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Twenty-six years after the Dayton Peace Agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is facing its most serious challenge since the end of the war, writes Derek Chollet.
How we became a society with post-traumatic stress disorder
Žurnal in English
LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER THE WAR: How we became a society with post-traumatic stress disorder
At the mere mention of war, we froze like animals in front of car headlights, blind and deaf to everything. We are no longer interested in everyday life problems.
Dodik pawned natural resources for a billion marks of credit?
Žurnal in English
SALE OF REPUBLIKA SRPSKA: Dodik pawned natural resources for a billion marks of credit?
Instead of the one who would be inscribed in political history as the implementer of its independence, Dodik could be remembered as the one who sold (out) Republika Srpska through credit indebtedness. Are the natural resources of this entity a pledge to repay the loan?
Slučaj Dženana Memića simbol je borbe za pravdu
Devet godina neizvjesnosti: Slučaj Dženana Memića simbol je borbe za pravdu
Odlikovanja koja nije podijelio 9. januara, dijeliće na posebnoj svečanosti
KOLIKO ĆE NAS KOŠTATI DODIKOV OPORAVAK: Odlikovanja koja nije podijelio 9. januara, dijeliće na posebnoj svečanosti
Da li je ministar Bojan Bošnjak saučesnik ili marioneta?
NAKON UKIDANJA PRITVORA: Da li je ministar Bojan Bošnjak saučesnik ili marioneta?
Hrvatska desnica voli Putina
UREDNICA PORTALA NOVOSTI: Hrvatska desnica voli Putina
Istražite kako su Dodiku bliske firme dobile ugovore vrijedne 541.325.485 KM
TRAŽIMO OD TUŽILAŠTVA BiH: Istražite kako su Dodiku bliske firme dobile ugovore vrijedne 541.325.485 KM
Odluka Vlade neće urediti plaćanje radnika
MINIMALNA PLATA U RS: Odluka Vlade neće urediti plaćanje radnika
Tražimo pravdu za stradale u Jablanici 10.2. u 12h ispred Parlamenta BiH
PROTESTI STUDENATA U SARAJEVU: Tražimo pravdu za stradale u Jablanici 10.2. u 12h ispred Parlamenta BiH
Novčana pomoć stanovništvu je nedovoljna i simbolična
REAKCIJA VLASTI ČETIRI MJESECA NAKON POPLAVA: Novčana pomoć stanovništvu je nedovoljna i simbolična
Elektronske narukvice za nasilnike i veća policijska ovlaštenja
ŠTA DONOSI ZAKON O ZAŠTITI OD NASILJA U PORODICI: Elektronske narukvice za nasilnike i veća policijska ovlaštenja
Drug Teo i njegovi autobusi
Odlazak Teofila Pančića: Drug Teo i njegovi autobusi
Savjetnici su za sve krivi!
Kako se Milorad Dodik branio u sudnici: Savjetnici su za sve krivi!
Krši li Adriatic Metals odredbe ugovora?
IZLAZAK IZ KONCESIONOG POLJA: Krši li Adriatic Metals odredbe ugovora?
Vlast u Republici Srpskoj plaši se pobune studenata i gimnazijalaca
Prelijevanje protesta preko Drine: Vlast u Republici Srpskoj plaši se pobune studenata i gimnazijalaca
Državnim službenicima veće plate, pacijentima nastavak agonije
ŠTA DONOSI REKORDNI BUDŽET FEDERACIJE BIH : Državnim službenicima veće plate, pacijentima nastavak agonije
Svi su ovdje odgovorni za sve, pa i mi sami!
ZENIČANI U NEDJELJU IZLAZE NA ULICE: Svi su ovdje odgovorni za sve, pa i mi sami!
Pregled sedmice od 26.1. do 1.2.2025.
AUDIO ŽURNAL: Pregled sedmice od 26.1. do 1.2.2025.
Svi ćemo se opet sresti
POJMOVNIK DAVIDA LYNCHA (2): Svi ćemo se opet sresti
Blokade naše svagdašnje
Zašto se krije novo rješenje za rad Adriatic Metalsa?
UZALUDNA OBEĆANJA O TRANSPARENTNOSTI: Zašto se krije novo rješenje za rad Adriatic Metalsa?
Bageri nastavljaju ugrožavati kuće na Čekaluši
Bez obzira na intervencije inspekcije i policije: Bageri nastavljaju ugrožavati kuće na Čekaluši