The basket of goods is more expensive by 410 KM, the number of users of public kitchens has increased
Žurnal in English
During the political crisis: The basket of goods is more expensive by 410 KM, the number of users of public kitchens has increased
The citizens of our country are witnessing daily increases in the price of goods and services. Their purchasing power is decreasing, living standards are falling, the basket of goods is becoming more expensive and growing much faster than salaries, and there are more and more users of public kitchens. At the same time, authorities boast record revenues from direct and indirect taxes. Economists point out that this should be used for reforms that would reduce the burden on wages, and which would increase pensions and salaries. However, the authorities seem to prefer populist measures and proposals…
Agriculturist, veteran, director, fighter for the rights of emigrants…
Žurnal in English
ALL THE FACES OF HDZ BUSINESSMEN: Agriculturist, veteran, director, fighter for the rights of emigrants…
Staff close to the HDZ, or HDZ members themselves, extract public money from the budget through a network of companies in Herzegovina. While they are supposedly fighting for the rights of veterans and returnees, and as they are in office, they know how to allocate money - to themselves
What did Minister Turković say that we did not want to hear?
Žurnal in English
RESIDENTS OF THE LAND OF ABUNDANCE: What did Minister Turković say that we did not want to hear?
In her televised statement, the Minister outlined the triangle that makes up her idea of Bosnia and Herzegovina - the Presidency, the Council of Ministers, and the Parliament. In that homeland triangle, she employs members of her family, close friends, and associates. When she says "we all have a good life", the Minister means the inhabitants of this Land of Abundance, because everything outside of it is not the real world for her, it is blurred and out of focus. She really doesn't know anyone there anymore.
BiH migrant smuggling market estimated at 10.5m euros
Žurnal in English
BALKAN ROUTE IS THE KEY CHANNEL FOR WESTERN EUROPE: BiH migrant smuggling market estimated at 10.5m euros
Smuggling of migrants is most profitable in Turkey, Greece or countries of origin, and human smuggling services are also offered within the Western Balkans: in BiH, it is most pronounced in the Una-Sana Canton. Organized crime is a business that generates hundreds of millions of euros a year in illegal profits. It is estimated that about 65 tons of heroin per year pass through Southeast Europe
A school example of the unification of Serbia and Republika Srpska
Žurnal in English
CHILD ABUSE: A school example of the unification of Serbia and Republika Srpska
The defense of the endangered identity brought Dodik a luxury villa in Dedinje worth two million euros and countless lucrative jobs, he no longer knows how many of those national identities (in euros) he has in various bank accounts. As a young man, Vučić entered the first ranks of the guardian of national identity, under the leadership of the Chetnik duke Vojislav Šešelj, to eventually reach the absolute ruler of all of Serbia, and we will find out how much his job as a guardian of identity paid off only when he falls from power. These are bright examples that Serbian children should follow.
Economic experts warn that Republika Srpska is threatened with financial collapse
Žurnal in English
NEW DEBT WORTH 1.5 BILLION KM: Economic experts warn that Republika Srpska is threatened with financial collapse
Although burdened with old debts, the RS Government is planning new ones in the total amount of 1.5 billion KM this year. Economic experts warn that it is not good to go into new debts, but Minister Zora Vidović is persistent that "RS is not over-indebted". Dodik dreams of transferring competencies and promises jobs to RS people employed in BiH institutions, while his finance minister also announces that RS is reducing the public sector to the most optimal measure
Prointer, as ATV owner, could be left without licenses and millions in tenders
Žurnal in English
USA SANCTIONS STOP THE CRIME OF DODIK FAMILY: Prointer, as ATV owner, could be left without licenses and millions in tenders
On November 11, Žurnal announced the problems that "Prointer" could face if the United States of America expand sanctions against Milorad Dodik due to obvious crime and corruption. On March 6, 2019, IBM World Trade Corporation and IBM Ireland Product terminated their cooperation agreements with this company.
The most successful stories of our editorial office in 2021
Žurnal in English
ŽURNAL IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION (VIDEO): The most successful stories of our editorial office in 2021
In the video, we have singled out some of Žurnal’s successful stories, which have managed to stop various violations of the law. Thank you for being with us, stay in 2022.
A memorial for a war criminal
Žurnal in English
A NIGHT THAT DOESN'T END: A memorial for a war criminal
Vinko Pandurević was the commander of the Zvornik Brigade within the Drina Corps of the Republika Srpska Army, and his brigade took part in the July 1995 attack on Srebrenica. The Hague tribunal's verdict states that Pandurević was convicted of "murder as a crime against humanity", "violation of the laws and customs of war", "inhumane acts, forcible transfer as a crime against humanity", and because ‘’he did not take the necessary and reasonable measures to prevent his subordinates from committing crimes"
Smugglers pimp boys as payment for crossing the border
Žurnal in English
MIGRANTS - PEOPLE WHOSE SUFFERING EVERYONE MAKES MONEY ON: Smugglers pimp boys as payment for crossing the border
Smuggling of migrants is closely related to human trafficking, which manifests itself in the form of labor exploitation (most pronounced in Herzegovina) and sexual exploitation, which, according to data collected so far, is most prevalent in Krajina. In one of the camps, a migrant from Algeria sexually abused two 15-year-old migrants at night. The case was reported to the police and an international organization, but their reaction was absent
Glamour, fashion, camps and batons
Žurnal in English
MIGRANTS AT THE FASHION SHOW: Glamour, fashion, camps and batons
A fashion show was held in the Sarajevo City Hall with the participation of migrants. Some 300 kilometers away, migrants are beaten, thrown into rivers, locked in garages without windows ... But these are not scenes for the EU and IOM delegation. However, they are for such, sleek, variants
Dodik is a mere pawn for the Kremlin, he is standing thanks to the oligarchs
Žurnal in English
GEOSTRATEGIC BATTLE FOR THE BALKANS: Dodik is a mere pawn for the Kremlin, he is standing thanks to the oligarchs
Milorad Dodik and Republika Srpska are just Russia's convenient tools for opposing the West. Dodik's political adventure called the return of state competencies to Republika Srpska serves to protect the promise he made to the Russian tycoons with whom he has much stronger ties than with the Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Sarajevo is not what it used to be
Žurnal in English
BUSULADŽIĆ'S GHOST OVER THE GOLDEN VALLEY: Sarajevo is not what it used to be
If you are brought to the position of the Croat member of the Presidency of BiH by the voters of the Bosniak Nationalist Party, then the consequence is that your politics is created by the SDA. If the position of the mayor of Sarajevo is enabled by voters inclined to the right-wing Bosniak nationalist parties, then you cannot put on the memorial plaque for the crimes in Kazan which criminals did it. If there are streets and schools in the city named after fascists, then you cannot say for yourself that you have a multicultural character. If you say that there is no more room for tolerance, then it is not Sarajevo as it used to be!
Investor withdrawal and collection of billions of loans will follow!
Žurnal in English
ADVENTURE CALLED TRANSFER OF COMPETENCES: Investor withdrawal and collection of billions of loans will follow!
What happened in the National Assembly of Republika Srpska and what could be heard from Milorad Dodik and the accompanying group can be interpreted as "peaceful and dignified demolition of Bosnia and Herzegovina". Of course, everything is far more serious than making jokes. The biggest problem is that the population that supports them does not receive meaningful warnings about the logical consequences that this, for now only a political adventure, brings in the eventual practice.
Prointer received contracts worth 6.7 million KM from Elektroprenos BiH!
Žurnal in English
WHILE THE BLOCKADE OF THE BiH INSTITUTIONS LASTED: Prointer received contracts worth 6.7 million KM from Elektroprenos BiH!
"Prointer" - a company with which Igor Dodik, the unemployed son of BiH Presidency member Milorad Dodik, "cooperates", alone or in energy consortia, received contracts worth 6,765,970 KM from "Elektroprenos BiH". When these eight jobs are divided into 341 last days in 2021, only from this public company, managed by Mato Žarić, a member of the friendly HDZ BiH, the IT tender master company received 19,841.5 KM per day.
Once a radical, always a radical
Žurnal in English
A FAMILY OF ADVANCED LOCUSTS: Once a radical, always a radical
At the time of Vučić's radical youth, the order was known when it comes to the forcible confiscation of property, especially in the areas where small Serbia wanted to expand. Military and paramilitary formations come in handy, kill and expel non-Serbs, seize apartments, houses, and property, and then fine-tune it with the Law on the Use of Abandoned Property. Similar methods of expropriation were applied in the domestic field, in which the radicals were in the lead.
Almost 90% of public procurements in BiH are risky, corruption is systemically developed!
Žurnal in English
PORTAL PRATIMO TENDERE PRESENTED CATASTROPHIC DATA: Almost 90% of public procurements in BiH are risky, corruption is systemically developed!
Almost 90% of monitored public procurements were marked as risky, it was pointed out today at the press conference at which the monitoring report on public procurement procedures monitored through the PratimoTendere portal was presented. Research shows that every car purchase tender is rigged!
How Nedim Uzunović and a web of associates took over Bosnalijek
Žurnal in English
A SEVEN-YEAR INVESTIGATION: How Nedim Uzunović and a web of associates took over Bosnalijek
Žurnal has been writing about crime in "Bosnalijek" for years. The focus of the long-term investigation is the director Nedim Uzunović, with whom everything begins, but also ends. Bosnalijek filed criminal charges against Uzunovic to the Moscow police in 2012, but despite that, he managed to return to the Sarajevo company through investors from Russia.
A judge sentenced for imprisonment for setting up legal affairs for her sister!
Žurnal in English
After Žurnal’s writing: A judge sentenced for imprisonment for setting up legal affairs for her sister!
When, in mid-January 2017, Žurnal asked the president of the District Court in Prijedor, Duško Miloica, how it was possible for the judge of this court, Drena Marin, to appoint her own sister as ex-officio defence counsel in several cases, Miloica said that the appointments were legal. Four years later, Judge Drena Marin was sentenced to ten months in prison and banned from performing her duties by this first-instance verdict.
Employees of Elektroprivreda BiH are protesting because of insatiability among miners!
Žurnal in English
HIT THE POOR: Employees of Elektroprivreda BiH are protesting because of insatiability among miners!
Elektroprivreda workers held a short protest in support of the general director. Unlike the miners’, the salaries and meal allowances of the employees of Elektroprivreda were not late, they did not have to go on a hunger strike in order for their employer to pay their fees, they were not threatened or blackmailed by directors and unions...