Neither for Ukrainian victims, nor for Russian criminals
Žurnal in English
SERBIAN DOCTRINE OF NEUTRALITY: Neither for Ukrainian victims, nor for Russian criminals
Is it so difficult to say that killing and destruction are evil, that one should be on the side of the victim, and not the criminal, that it is an elementary moral obligation of every honest human being. Distinguishing between attacker and assailant - what is so complicated here?
On the side of Ukrainian victims or Putin's killers
Žurnal in English
SERBIA BEFORE THE ELECTION: On the side of Ukrainian victims or Putin's killers
In strong geopolitical stories, economic calculations, vain appeals to European values, in that inexhaustible struggle for interests and zeal - no one seems to remember something much more important: do we want to be part of a world that opposes aggression and mad tyranny or do we want to be a part of the world that is tyrannical, abusing and killing whenever it wants
Business affairs with Russian tycoons and fear of Putin’s revenge
Žurnal in English
HOW IS RUSSIA CONTROLLING MILORAD DODIK: Business affairs with Russian tycoons and fear of Putin’s revenge
Milorad Dodik knows that it is not advisable to betray Putin. However, the one who once betrayed those who had put him on the political scene in BiH in BiH, is capable of doing the same to the current “bosses”. So today, just in case, several “Despots” are standing guard in front of Dodik’s residence.
Putin's supporters in BiH did not disappear, they are just changing the tactics
RUSSIAN STRATEGY FOR THE BALKANS: Putin's supporters in BiH did not disappear, they are just changing the tactics
The question of all questions is how long can Russian influence on Bosnia and Herzegovina be preserved. Milorad Dodik wishes to maintain the status of an important Russian factor, so does Dragan Čović. The remaining part of the political arena believes that the influence of Russia will simply disappear and that the Europe and the USA will do everything they had missed to do in the previous years, “sleeping” while Dodik and Čović were “doing their thing”.
Russia, with the help of Dodik, will not easily relinquish the gas market in BiH
A GREAT BATTLE IN A SMALL COUNTRY: Russia, with the help of Dodik, will not easily relinquish the gas market in BiH
The TransAdriatic Pipeline (TAP), which connects Greece, Albania and Italy, became in mid-November finally operational. The next stage is the Ionian Adriatic Pipeline (IAP) to which Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina would connect. These routes supply gas from Azerbaijan and it will terminate the Russian monopoly in the supply of this energy-generating product. On the other side, Milorad Dodik is trying to keep our country dependent on the gas from Russia as long as possible.
Kako izgleda organizovani kriminal u BiH
NEDJELJNI KOMENTAR ĐOKE NINKOVIĆA: Kako izgleda organizovani kriminal u BiH
Mašin crtež
Iz Crvenog solitera (audio): Mašin crtež
Ortačka grupa tuži Krivaju Mobel koju je osnovala i odvela u stečaj
nije dovoljno što su radnike ostavili bez posla: Ortačka grupa tuži Krivaju Mobel koju je osnovala i odvela u stečaj
Izmišljeno radno mjesto za napredovanje Alme Pivić, supruge kantonalnog premijera
NOVA SISTEMATIZACIJA SLUŽBE ZA ZAPOŠLJAVANJE ZDK: Izmišljeno radno mjesto za napredovanje Alme Pivić, supruge kantonalnog premijera
Zašto su čelnici Zenice, Novog Grada, Ilidže i Kaknja obnovili mandate?
BEZ IZNENAĐENJA: Zašto su čelnici Zenice, Novog Grada, Ilidže i Kaknja obnovili mandate?
U pet hercegovačkih gradova koje smo analizirali dogodile se samo kozmetičke promjene
ŽIVOT NAKON IZBORA: U pet hercegovačkih gradova koje smo analizirali dogodile se samo kozmetičke promjene
Ne možeš se vratiti iz šume
Pismena zadaća (audio): Ne možeš se vratiti iz šume
Multi-Million Dollar Crime Involving Illegal Loggers, Interest Groups, and Politics
FORESTS TARGETED BY THE MAFIA: Multi-Million Dollar Crime Involving Illegal Loggers, Interest Groups, and Politics
Zašto je Dodik iznenada zabrinut zbog šumskih krađa?
Lažni čuvar državne imovine: Zašto je Dodik iznenada zabrinut zbog šumskih krađa?
Povjerenje istim ljudima
Sutkinja Uzunović opomenula Dodikovu odbranu da odugovlače proces
Suđenje optuženom predsjedniku Republike Srpske: Sutkinja Uzunović opomenula Dodikovu odbranu da odugovlače proces
A Corrupt System Punishes Victims and Protects Child Abusers
PEDOPHILIA IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: A Corrupt System Punishes Victims and Protects Child Abusers
Kako su vlasti Bosanske Krupe prodavale državnu imovinu
Kad gruntovnica izgori: Kako su vlasti Bosanske Krupe prodavale državnu imovinu
Od Velike do prazne Srbije
Kratka istorija nacionalnog projekta (audio): Od Velike do prazne Srbije
Višemilionski kriminal u saradnji šumokradica, interesnih lobija i politike
ŠUME NA METI MAFIJE : Višemilionski kriminal u saradnji šumokradica, interesnih lobija i politike
Imamo direktora i osnivača
Reagovanje: Imamo direktora i osnivača
Željko Laketić do kraja ministarskog mandata dijelio poticaje na sumnjiv način
NE MARI ZA ISTRAGE I SUKOB INTERESA: Željko Laketić do kraja ministarskog mandata dijelio poticaje na sumnjiv način
Pregled sedmice od 21. do 27. oktobra 2024.
AUDIO ŽURNAL: Pregled sedmice od 21. do 27. oktobra 2024.
Koruptivni sistem kažnjava žrtve i štiti zlostavljače djece
Pedofilija u Bosni i Hercegovini: Koruptivni sistem kažnjava žrtve i štiti zlostavljače djece
Plan rasta i rastanka