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Watch the movie: Putin's plan for the Balkans – Part 2
Watch the second out of four movies of Žurnal’s documentary series about the methods of Russian, and not only Russian, influence on Bosnia and Herzegovina and other Balkan countries

Žurnal in English
WE WILL RELEASE SECOND MOVIE OF THE DOCUMENTARY SERIES AT april 16.: Putin's plan for the Balkans – Part 2 (trailer)
Watch the second out of four movies of Žurnal’s documentary series about the methods of Russian, and not only Russian, influence on Bosnia and Herzegovina and other Balkan countries.

Žurnal in English
PREMIER'S HOLY WAR: O unbelievers, do you believe in the honesty of Fadil Novalić?
If we lived in a society where strict Sharia laws applied, it is questionable whether the federal prime minister could shake hands with anyone.

Žurnal in English
If you think that lynching in Banja Luka does not concern you, because you do not live there or because you are traditional, religious, have an exemplary family or are loyal to the government, you are mistaken. No one is safe, because the measure of social values is in the hands of fickle people, who easily change political positions and worldviews. Because of this, it can easily happen to any of us that, on any Saturday evening, a circle of people suddenly separates around us and someone says: "This one is not ours".

Žurnal in English
CRIMINALIZATION OF SLANDER IN REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (2): Repressive laws modelled on Russia, Belarus and Georgia
Law by law, amendment by amendment, Milorad Dodik and the Government of Republika Srpska are bringing us closer and closer to the laws of dictators, under whose rule critical thinking was mostly banished. - This implies that you report every type of transaction, it is fair and transparent, why should that be a problem? - will be asked by a man whose money's origin and flows cannot/does not want to be established even by the state prosecutor's office. The US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina reacted to the latest announcements, calling them repressive and undemocratic.

Žurnal in English
CRIMINALIZATION OF SLANDER IN REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (1): Dodik's law for disciplining the media and citizens
If the draft is adopted, the judiciary should be among the first to prosecute Milorad Dodik for numerous insults uttered against journalists and domestic and international officials.
Žurnal in English
THE POISONING OF KREŠEVO CONTINUES: The BFS company cannot be stopped by the inspection, the court, seals, or concerned citizens
The company BFS, the owner of the quarries that have been banned more than once from working, in addition to pressuring the locals through lawsuits, has also decided to pressurize the inspection. They submitted a number of requests for review of administrative measures, exemption of acting inspector, but also criminal reports and lawsuits against the Federation of BiH and FUZIP

Žurnal in English
HALLUCINATIONS OF FAKE PATRIOTS: They won't give up Kosovo, but they don't know what to do with it
The only serious policy would be one that would recognize Kosovo's independence, face the consequences of the Magnanimous hegemony and disassociate itself from the memorandum's ideological program. If someone finds the strength to go that way, they could also address the question: Did Serbia ever really want Kosovo to be part of it? Or has Kosovo played a different role in the ideological constructions here for two hundred years?

Žurnal in English
Serbian volunteers have been fighting on the Russian side since Russia's first invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Competent authorities look through their fingers because Serbia has long been a Russian-colonial state, so they judge them when they really have to, and that they do very favourably. By the beginning of 2018, the High Court in Belgrade had convicted 28 Serbian citizens for participating in the war in Ukraine. Only four were stuck in prison, and all the others were given suspended sentences and are at liberty.

Žurnal in English
DODIK'S ORDER FOR THE BOSS: How Putin became a Serbian patriot
It turned out that the nationalists are false patriots, they hardly waited for the first opportunity to betray their own country and people, and those who were slandered as anti-Serb, non-national elements - internationalists and communists - fought against the occupiers. The latter managed to defeat the fascists and their helpers, so they kept nationalism on a chain for half a century, as long as they could. Then came the restoration and construction of the nationalist evil spirit, and the old good practice of slaughtering other peoples and occasionally killing innocent members of one's own nation was also renewed.

Žurnal in English
INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH NEW PRESSURE: Citizen/collaborator in the fight against Žurnal
How lucky we are to have an army of inspectors that can check the daily operations of all possible companies, associations, and institutions... No one would be happier than us if that were to happen. Finally, we too could write about New Year's concerts, weddings of the century and performances that disturb our mothers and sisters

Žurnal in English
IN THE LAND OF ASTERIX AND OBELIX: Serbs as Gauls, Vučić as Vitalstatistix
While the mobilized young men gave their lives for the fatherland and war profiteers, the same fatherland gave Vučić an apartment of 117.5 square meters in New Belgrade, to repay him for all his services in stifling media freedom and censoring reports on war events, with special emphasis on war crimes, mass expulsions of Albanians, cold stores and mass graves. This is not the only difference between the Serbian and the Gallic leader. Unlike Vučić, Vitalstatistix does not rob his Gals, humiliate them, terrorize them and treat them like a bunch of idiots.

Žurnal in English
A NEW YEAR'S FAIRY TALE THAT I DIDN'T WRITE: There is no corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This New Year's fairy tale pleased the entire Bosnian scum. Tycoons, war profiteers, money launderers, blackmailers, dealers, sellers of diplomas and jobs, middlemen on the black market, political and national overnight converts and similar scum are rejoicing because they finally believe that their aunt from America sent them millions.

Žurnal in English
THE LEGEND ABOUT KOSOVO AND AMMONIA: Only Serbs outside of Serbia can be threatened
It goes without saying that the appropriate media did not make a fuss about the chemical incident near Pirot. On Sunday, while the disaster was unfolding, most didn't even report the ammonia leak and the whole city being hit by the dangerous poison. Later, they published some news, but without excessively introducing it into the whole story. That is quite understandable. If it were some kind of "Kurti's cisterns with ammonia", it would be easy for the government and the media to deal with it. They would ring all the bells as the evil Albanians poisoned the innocent Serbian people, while Europe and the world watched it calmly.

Žurnal in English
ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION: Apartments on Bjelašnica are owned by Asim Sarajlić, Sebija Izetbegović, Alija Budnjo, Amar Arslanagić…
The companies Green Life and Best invest were registered last year, and according to FIA data, they have no income and no employees, but despite this, they appear as real estate investors in Bjelašnica. Some of the other investors are Butmir, Mia Lamia, Gradur TGI, Ideja, Brend, Oki, Panorama sole, Govza... Sebija Izetbegović, Asim Sarajlić, Alija Budnjo, Amela Čampara, Jusuf Zahiragić, Emir Talirević, Amar Arslanagić, and several other names and defendants from the Pravda i Zadruga (Justice and Cooperative) case are listed as the owners of the apartments.

Žurnal in English
CITIZENS IN THE FIGHT FOR THE PROTECTION OF NATURE: With joint forces, tycoons and the government throughout BiH are poisoning water and destroying nature
A change of government is not a guarantee to citizens that there will be a change in the attitude of competent institutions towards environmental protection problems. This is why today it is necessary more than ever for citizens and non-governmental organizations to come together to protect their environment. That the solution lies in the association of citizens in the protection of natural resources, as previously warned by the Rijeke BiH Budi promjena (Be the Change) group, is evidenced by attempts to devastate natural resources for the sake of individual profits in the last few months

Žurnal in English
SEVEN MILLION KM FOR SPY SOFTWARE: Dodik bought equipment for eavesdropping on the opposition and government critics
In 2020, Dodik's minister Srđan Rajčević met with Tamir Parda, former director of MOSAD and chairman of the board of 'XM Cyber', after which the then member of the BiH Presidency admitted that he was eavesdropping on the opposition. The RS government later signed a memorandum on the establishment of a cyber academy with the Israeli company "Elta Systems", which specialized in espionage.

Žurnal in English
It is needless to emphasize that all the representatives of the Kosovo Covenant and Heavenly Serbia live at the expense of the citizens, and very comfortably at that, so their rapture is firmly based in the worldly empire. A giant pyramid of corruption, privileges and general looting of one's own country rests on mythological nationalist stories. It is understandable that members of the privileged elite persist in making a fog out of Kosovo peonies, the Serbian cross, false patriotism and imperial aspirations.

Žurnal in English
ADOPTED REGULATORY PLAN IN ZENICA: New business zone on the land of Mayor Kasumović's wife
The city councillors adopted the Regulatory Plan "Business Recreational-Tourist Zone Zenica-South", although the urban plan was never adopted. The wife of the mayor of Zenica, Fuad Kasumović, also owns several plots of land in that area. The “Pokret za preokret” or "Movement for Change" group warns of illegalities and illogicalities and points out that the value of land is now increasing significantly, and should increase even more if the announcements that all accompanying infrastructure will be built with public money are fulfilled.

Žurnal in English
tv žurnal: Watch the film “Black List”
Žurnal is publishing the film "The Black List" about persons and companies that are sanctioned by the United States of America.

FEĐA ŠTUKAN ZA ŽURNAL: Naša generacija je propala, sve naredne su bolje od nas


MARIN BAGO: Potrošači nisu svjesni snage koju imaju

NEMA POLITIČKE VOLJE: Da li bi ukidanje PDV-a na hranu donijelo niže cijene u trgovinama?